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Scenic Railway On Fire

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Well im not going to beet around the bush, our council is as bent as a two bob note. And a certain individual wont be happy til hes burnt Thanet & Folkstone to the ground & its so bloody obvious. Any shifty council bods or local buisessmen (crooks) want to throw some money my way i will hush hush. wink wink

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Slanderous my a r s e. The fact that whatever development was approved had to have that remaining within it was always going to make it a potential fire at some point.

If it is proved to be arson someone has to be made accountable. Whether it be the owners actually causing the fire themselves or providing such lacklustre security that allowed some chav c o c k to go in and do it, there must be some severe punishment. It was a listed building, developers did not like that, so it was bound to happen.

That was a big part of Margate's heritage, not too mention that of UK fairgrounds and that is it gone forever. I will not be happy unless someone recieves the punisment it deserves.

It is hinted elsewhere that it may be an act of Godden but I thought he was no longer the leaseholder.


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BBC Radio Kent reporter David Linington said the rollercoaster was burning strongly and had collapsed.


"It is devastating," said Thanet District Council leader Sandy Ezekiel.


"It is tragic - I used to go on it when I was a kid.


"To see it like this is heartbreaking."




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Originally Posted By: Tony_T
BBC Radio Kent reporter David Linington said the rollercoaster was burning strongly and had collapsed.

"It is devastating," said Thanet District Council leader Sandy Ezekiel.

"It is tragic - I used to go on it when I was a kid.

"To see it like this is heartbreaking."


Apparently he also said on camera that everything will be done to rebuild it!

Been having a look at the Save Dreamland Forum http://www.joylandbooks.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=4 and some Thanet based blogs via http://www.thanetbloglist.co.uk/?page_id=58 .
There are some people more annoyed than me but also some very very funny posts.
One interesting thing was posted on Eastcliff Richards blog...

" Anonymous said...
i didn't think jimmy godden owned dreamland anymore. it was sold for bout 20 million few years back to the margate regeneration scheme.
6:20 PM

Anonymous said...
Jimmy Godden has a 40%ish share in Margate Town Centre Regeneration Company (sic) which owns the site.
6:23 PM "

Which shoots down my theory that ownership had passed. I am not sure why his name has been mentioned regarding the fire though!?!?!


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Am not surprised at this(unfortunately).

Hands up right now who just KNEW it was going to happen at sometime.Bloody hell even more than I thought!!

Dodgy! Dodgy! Dodgy! is all I can say about this.

A FULL investigation needs to take place with no stones unturned.

But then again maybe this will be shoved under the carpet(if you see what I mean)& we'll get no answers whatsoever.


This certainly gives the Council plans an easier option now don't you think.



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Was shocked at the news, when I was a kid coming down to Margate for my holidays, the Scenic Railway ride was the highlight of the holiday. Lost count the number of times I went on it.


I do hope it is rebuilt, is a part of our heritage in this area.

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Originally Posted By: Rob_Butler
Well, if that is not racist abuse an a lifetime ban from forum Alan won't have a leg to stand on next time he locks a topic.

For what reason is that racist Rob???

Don't forget Alex lives in Ramsgate wink
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The Scenic railway SHOULD be covered by insurance and therefore can be and will have to be rebuilt. (The whole idea of insurance is "to put the insured in a position just prior to the incident") and unlike the seafront fire of 4 years ago the council and especially our council leader SHOULD insist on rebuilding.


If he does not then it will prove that he is in league with whoever is behind the fire

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