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Thanks to everyone who helped in town yesterday


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Hi All,


A big thank you for all that gave their own time to help promoting the club in the town centre yesterday. I personally think it was a success. I was really surprised at how people were unaware that we were playing at Wembley. As Jeff previously mentioned we were able to get some people to the game which was a huge bonus. One guy was sitting outside Argos texting on his mobile. Myself and Steve Sullivan started talking to him about the Fleet and he had never been down there but said he might try. Then before the game in the bar he was there with his 3 mates having a beer on their first visit.


It is time like these when MyFC members and EUFC fans are united. There is no us and them when promoting the Fleet. We worked together and had fun doing it.


MyFC members Mr and Mrs Yorkfox made all gifts that we were handing out and Kerf kindly designed and printed the posters.


I'd like to thank Jeff, Chris Blanc, KShep, IanD and Graham (Hooky) for giving up their Saturday morning to promote this great club.


We are looking to do this on a regular basis so will keep everyone updated.


Up the Fleet and all who sail with her.

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Yeah it was great to see you guys promoting the club down the town centre. I would of said hello but as you know I am a shy person and all. Looked like there there was some genuine interest in the club from the locals down there which was great to see.


If you do decide to do it again I will try to pluck up the courage and volunteer for the morning providing work does not get in the way.

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