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Originally Posted By: Wellsie
Sounds like an EU initiative crazy

But then again we would only get people arguing over the number of naughty words allowed!
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Agree with Geebee. Jobsworth indeed. No man on the gantry filming because it's unsafe?.. It looks to me that he's targetted the choir because he thinks he can intimidate those who are young. I've heard more swearing from other home fans and nothing is done. Not that it should be, but surprise surprise, they are his age and he won't confront them over it because he'd get laughed at.

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Probably because some of it sometimes is abusive, unnecessary and unpleasant to the majority of people. The fact that the singing is orchestrated rather than an individual person expressing frustration also adds to that perspective. I'd bet that none of the choir sing like that on their own in another public place. There's a clue there about what is and isn't "acceptable behaviour".


What I would add is that most of the time, the singing and support is great given there are so few of you (compared to a few years ago). But at risk of opening up an old debate, there is a question in my mind as to why that might be.

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Wellsie, perhaps you would like to be more specific if you feel so strongly about unpleasant songs. Other than some of the stick aimed at the Wards, who really do their best to rile opposition fans, I can't think of anything that has been unpleasant. Go to any other Non-League ground where there's a decent amount of varied singing, and find a club with 90% of their songs free of swearing, as ours are.

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Originally Posted By: Alexmfc
well said GEEBEE and why is it just the choir that are being targeted here?

You guys obviously don't read the above posts do you.The choir weren't the only ones spoken to about bad language.They weren't targeted as you call it.
And where is the proof about these videos being stopped? Why SHOULD he or anyone stop them?.It just dosen't make sense as its not dangerous,if as it seems, its safe to go up there or is this all made up?
Also swearing at a game is not just about being at a mans game these days,its also a womens & childrens game too & we should be thinking about them here moreso when we are trying,as a supposed family club,to get all sexes & ages along to watch & support the club & to get them all to join us & in through the gates.
Its merely a matter of decency really isn't it,surely?
Many clubs (Tonbridge being one) & the FA are trying to kill this kind of vocal behaviour these days,for the better,& we should be trying to do the same & setting a good example to others.Surely songs can be sung without swearing.Is it really that hard to do.

Similarly to what Wellsie says that without the choir(those few) & he brings up a valid point as to why there are so few,the atmosphere wouldn't quite be the same. No-ones knocking the actually efforts of those that do sing but surely there ARE ways of going about it in a "decent" but still banter-like way & yet still manage to get the players up for the game.After all isn't that the main reason for singing & for chanting the team, during the game, before & after.

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Paul, you're an intelligent bloke, can't you work it out? Any acqusation about someone's sexuality, the "Knees up Margate Town" song, are two examples. The "appropriateness test" reallly goes back to the point in my pervious post. What would you sing and not sing in a nother public place.


My strength of feeling only increases when people "don't get" the decency argument. I agree with Cookie about it not now being just a "man's game". And I repeat, the support that you and the others give is great and I always mention it on the commentary.


But, I would like to see our club (and others) take a stronger position on some (again, not all) aspects of the language used. In another environment, some of it would get you arrested!


And the videoing games thing - the "dangerous" aspect was not the recording of the game from the scaffolding in itself, but the loosley tied advertisng banner, as far as I'm aware.

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bloody hell this club is turning into a political corrective pain in the ass, instead of the jobs worth citing health and safty to our camera guy and banning him from the gantry why doesnt he go up there and hold his bloody hand or the club get him a safty harness,but hey thats to easy.and i have children of my own ,and i know wat to expect if we stood next to die hard fans singing,so wat would i do, proberley move somewhere else.fans do wat fans do end of.

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And it would seem sensible to me to remember that the club / fans are made up of the different schools of thinkning. And there may be an indication of who thnks what by the numbers to both do and don't join in with some of the songs.


Hopefully not "end of" becasue this is an important debate, and probably one that should go wider than just the few fans that use this forum.

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With regard to the Video man...I believe that he was stopped from using the scaffold tower once due to no safety rail and that is 100% the right decision. He has been since then and as far as I am aware he has stopped doing it as it has not been as financially rewarding as he hoped.

This is just what I have heard though.


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Originally Posted By: Wellsie
And there may be an indication of who thnks what by the numbers to both do and don't join in with some of the songs.

I don't really think that holds any weight to be honest. Those who don't sing, don't join in with anything. We could win any trophy you like and most of the fans who were there yesterday wouldn't sing. That's up to them mind. The choir used to be bigger, but so did our overall support in those days, tied in with our success. I believe it's more a sign of the times. When people get to 16 they have to decide whether it's worth paying the higher admission prices, and these days most kids have expensive computer consoles they could be addicted to, instead of being addicted to their local football team.

What I think is really important in this debate though, is that at this club, and right across the board at Non-League there's a real lack of 16-30 year olds in the fanbase. That can't be healthy for the future. And being so picky about swearing just creates a laughable impression of the club for this generation.

I see the arguments about the Knees Up Margate Town song. But, still, it seems ridiculous. The officer I believe was complaining about use of the F word though. And he's never going to eradicate that. There's an argument that it's not clever, and I agree, but...
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That's a fair point actually Paul about people choosing not to sing. That's a shame, I used to really enjoy my Saturday's behind the goal - which isn't to say I don't enjoiy what I'm doing now! And when there are a few signing under cover of the Hartsdown Road terrace roof, it generates a good atmosphere. And just to be clear, I certainly don't want any of you giys to stop singing.


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Just 12 months ago-smoking was the norm in public places-now no-one thinks twice that it is not allowed.(similarly with car phones)


Similarly with public swearing-society is changing -and what was acceptable two years ago-is'nt today.


I would like to see swearing banned in public places-really it just shows up for many a lack of vocabulary-and i certainly include myself in that.





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Originally Posted By: Porka
What I think is really important in this debate though, is that at this club, and right across the board at Non-League there's a real lack of 16-30 year olds in the fanbase. That can't be healthy for the future. And being so picky about swearing just creates a laughable impression of the club for this generation.

You have that correct in 1 Paul. It is frightening to look around at any NL crowd and see that it is an 'Old Man's' sport now. If the average age of the crowds does not start falling soon then the only admission prices being collected will be 'Concession' ones.

It is up to all fans to try and encourage the younger supporters to continue to attend or in 20 years time there will be no more semi-professional clubs left.

However, at the moment with the selfish attitudes of those Premier league clubs in charging more and more to see a game it can only help the cause of NL football.

Finally we should stop critcising our choir but encourage them to sing and support with louder gusto but with more new English rather than what we used to call 'Old English'.

I may not sing with you boys but you have my support for your support. Long may you be in good voice.

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Being one who stands on the fringes of the choir and occasionally joining in I agree that they should be encouraged and more people join in.

However also being someone who was in the choir during the mid 70's and early 80's, before many of the current lot were born, I know you can sing countless songs aimed at the opposition and the ref WITHOUT the use of swearing. Insults and friendly banter can be done without the F word.

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ok ive kept quiet until now, So heres my spin , i think the choir do a fantastic job considering the amount of lads in it but, and i had this convorsation the other day, i wont join in the peadophile songs or any song that uses the word c$*t but the reason you may not hear fowl language on the tv is usually because its censored out, yet i was watching the portsmouth game on saturday and over motty's mike from somone else(was a player or manager on touchline i think) you f4*king w$nk*r sort your Sh*t out. So we get back to the age old argument of players and managers using this same language which i do hear on a very regular basis at margate from the field of play. I personally think you will NEVER eradicate the swear words from the terraces, its about time people realised that so toning down should be looked at. Just because its noticed more by the choir because we actually sing louder does not make them any more guilty that joe smith(all names that mentioned are fictional and bear no resemblance any one with similar names)who does not sing but stands (or sits)there and says to people next to him 'this is f*!king sh*t' or any other expleetives, i believe this subject was covered previously about 18 months ago too. Whilst i am on the point and i didnt mention this before there was a song about jim wards brother at the rams game that i found a little hard to stomach about him contracting an illness. I will not associate myself with these sorts of songs, i am guilty of swearing at games as are quite a few people but i try to curb it as best i can especially when my boy is around me and the use of the word c*!t is totally unnacceptable guys please can yous top using it. This post is not aimed at upsetting the choir but i needed to say it. I miss the way it used to be our choir used to be 50 -60 strong if not more.

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