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Attendances-still fourth-just. (but biggest drop


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can we hang onto 4th place ?

The spiral is obviously downward-are we infact imploding ?


As Wellsie posts elsewhere-i do believe on field performance/results is the major contributor to high/low attendances.

Why should i believe that things under Mr Trott will be so different next year ?


The facts here :




However-either way, with a drop of 20% on last seasons average, that is second biggest freefall in the division narrowly after Ashford who are improving attendances following their recent climb ) so we are likely to have the biggest drop in attendanc in the league.Very encouraging-not !


The cost of that is over

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Excellent post MM (although if I hadn't seen your name at the top I would have thought it was one of Cookies). I don't think it bodes well that having had a long career as a defender Trott would have found it most easy to get his defence sorted rather than chopping and changing, bringing in players-letting 'em go, playing them out of position etc..He should know what's required of a defence surely.

As to the optimist/pessimist debate-I'm going to the game tomorrow full of hope but pretty sure I'll come away full of despair?

Regarding Watford Pagey-who wants to go straight up? We'll do it like we always do, with a glorius play off final victory. After all we do have a 100% record in the play offs!

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Originally Posted By: Hornet
(although if I hadn't seen your name at the top I would have thought it was one of Cookies).

Now how did I know someone was going to say that. I think a little unwarranted these days but there you go!! Thanks Hornet. laugh

Michael talks a lot of sense on many occasions.I would however like to hear him being just a little bit more optimistic more often despite the reality of things. Come on Michael please.

Short enough for you Hornet?? wink smile
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Originally Posted By: Hornet

As to the optimist/pessimist debate-I'm going to the game tomorrow full of hope but pretty sure I'll come away full of despair?

Great to hear that you are coming tomorrow Hornet.I hope those other "Stayaway" fans return also for a final effort.
It may well turn out to be the day when the fat lady sings (no guarantees) but lets not think that too much before the game . Lets at least turn up to hear her if indeed that be the case.

Seriously speaking,joking apart & being "positive" I think we will win our last 4 games,I really do.
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I'm going to enjoy my pints of Magniers cider, I'm going to enjoy me sausage and chips, I'm going to enjoy the company and I hope I'll enjoy the football. I think your right-we will win all four and what will be just typical is that we'll either finish sixth again or miss out on goal difference. Still, if we take it the wire it'll be fun and there's shutting them R*ds up which is most important.

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Personally I haven't seen it yet but I fully expect it to be the Ramsgate Gazette rather than the Thanet one today.It is to be expected I suppose & I can't see how we can really begrudge them that honour today somehow & in all fairness.

I'm sure there will be a little bit on a page for us somewhere though.

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Originally Posted By: Pagey
very well thought out and worded.

There are optimist (Hi Alan)
Pesimist ( Hi Welsh Bob)

and realists, to me this is a realist post

I am an optimist but then I don't slate players and the manager on here, would rather chat to them face to face in bar after game which, I believe, gives me a better understanding of how they feel and their views of the performance. Just my opinion, as I accept other Margate fans opinions to say things on here.
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And it's also what Pinns said in his interview with me last week. Hopefully it's a view shared throughout the squad and we'll end the season with a bang.

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Not too suprising that attendances should be 20% down is it.

Last season we seemed to have a good enough squad to win the league and didnt even make the play offs. It seem the club made a lot of money available to RT to get promotion sorted but he failed. And the club failed to bring forward badly needed ground improvements. I think a lot of people have lost confidence in the people running the club. And now it looks as though even Ramsgate could end up higher in the league.

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Originally Posted By: Cookie
Nah! Mark my words they will still be here in this very same league as us.

Agreed but they could finish above Margate for the first time in how many years and with a cup. And i also heard they are getting both ends of Southwood covered. If they can afford 2 covered ends and a decent team with their crowds why cant Margate?
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With the ground inprovements at Ramsgate-regardless of whether they make it to conf south-i believe that will see 50 neutral supporters favour ramsgate,and margates attendances fall regularly below Ramsgate next season.

The question is-how do we get out of the downward spiral.


No easy solution.


It has to be with on pitch performances,to 'lift things'.


Thus whilst partially through no fault of Mr T;we will not have funding to get quality players-we need someone to organise what we have got in terms of players and get them fit.


Rather than investing in players-assuming RT stays as manager-should the biggest investment be in a quality coach who Mckimm can assist and learn from .


If we were fitter this season,and better organised-that would have been worth at least 7 more points i am sure-what a difference that would have made.


maybe we can make do with average players -which in fairness is all the budget can surely allow


-but imo the biggest investment should be in a very very good coach-and let RT continue to 'manage' and learn the job of people management in what currently from the outside seems a rather unusual style.

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