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Last weeks evening echo

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I recently made a posting on this forum re our trip to Margate, however, the Evening echo have, imo, twisted the meaning of my posting.


I did not accuse anyone of "lacking drive" neither did I acuse anyone of "taking to the field with a Que Sera Sera attitude"



I am very disappointed with dick Marshal and the way in which he has chosen to interpret my words, had he taken the time to speak with me direct, and. or, asked for a quote, then I'm sure the article would have been accurate.


Unfortunately, not Dick, or anyone from the echo news group spoke, wrote, or emailed me, instead he/they took the cheap option of reading a post on our forum and gave it his/their own interpretation.


For rthe record, this is what I wrote:


"To many of our players yesterday, imo, took to the field with good intentions but played with a Que sera sera attitude"


So, I said they took to the field with good intention, and I never said they lacked Drive.



My meaning was simple, our lads went out to win the game, and had every intention of winning the game, they didn't approach the game like they would a cup final, they played it out with all good intentions, and if they were good enough, then they would be victors.


I stand by those words, they were an honest view of how 'I' saw the game.


I will be politely recommending to Dick Marshall and the Echo, that if they want to report on our away games, then they send a reporter who can write an honest report on how 'he' saw the game, or, if they are to use quotes from our forum, those quotes are accurate and the the source be made clear to the reader..


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don't get yourself in a flap over it TC...its par for the course and if its only just happened to you then you're fortunate...


fans forums are a fertile hunting ground for understaffed sports editors and offer fair game for all sorts of plagerised quotes...

good lord....I even had an editor from a well known national paper ring me last week to complain about comments I had made on a forum about his papers reporting policies....


you have to larf.... grin

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sadly cheap journalism is par for the course these days for the very reasons that I stated...far too many games and far too little staff to cover them...it only irks of course when one becomes the victim of it.....hence my comments about not getting in a flap....you get used to it in the end...


we did play well yesterday as it goes thanx but I shan't be counting any chickens as yet....anything could (and probably will) happen over the next 7/8 games....we are in 3rd however and if we can get to 72 points we shall probably stay there..



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