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Board Vote

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Originally Posted By: Derryman
He also took exception to my pointing out that "shares" in MyFC were not the same as shares in other clubs (I am a Glasgow Celtic shareholder) insofar as they are untradeable, unsellable, unbequeathable and lapse after 1 year; you don't really "own" a slice of the club. So to call your MyFC membership a "share" as it does in the MyFC publicity on its website is misleading. Flasher didn't like that being pointed out either.

I have touched on this in some of my posts about a week ago, as there were people saying to members expecting this, that and t'other that they were expecting too much and I was saying they expect so much, because they are promised so much, and even recall saying could MyFC not be done under a misdescriptions thing for misleading people when signing up, as prior to signing up it promises 'Own the Club' but you don't.

In my posts I was also saying about MyFC not being any different than how any other club is run, as ordinary members are going to be below a Society Board, who will be below a Club Board, thus giving less power to the ordinary member. Perhaps he has taken a disliking to you because as you say of you're a journalist, I don't know.

All seems very harsh to me, but sadly I don't make the decisions.
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Originally Posted By: clowntown
Oh dear. The voting thing won't let you vote until you check seven boxes, but MyFC's own rules for this election say you can vote for less candidates if you want. No you can't!

Check your email if you voted or try again now if you didn't. latest email:

"Thank you for voting in the Board Election.

You voted for seven candidates. As per the rules of the election, you were entitled to vote for less than seven candidates:

“A member may choose to cast less votes than the total number allotted to them, but may never cast more.”

If you would have preferred to vote for less than seven, then please return to the Election Interface, hit ‘reset’ and then vote again. However, if you are happy with your seven votes, you need take no further action and your votes will stand.

Thank you

The Web Team"
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From the sound of it, the web team set up the data form wrong and didn't allow for fewer than 7 choices. When they realized the error they changed it and provided the opportunity to correct one's vote. Conspiracy? Doubtful. Human error? Almost certainly. Vital? Hardly.

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Originally Posted By: Fleet Jordy
Originally Posted By: Derryman
I predicted a low election turnout of 3872

Tbh I don't think even that many will vote as I think the majority of subscribers to the site login a few times, get bored, think it's a pile of wa*k, lose interest, or whatever, and don't go back again and just write off their £35 as a mistake.

Hope to be proved wrong, but would be interested to know how many of the 29k members have logged in anymore than say 10 times since joining.

There was a figure of just over 1,000 which related to how many people who actually had taken the time to post on the MyFC board.
And while I know this doesn't PROVE anything, its quite a low number for something which for the vast majority of members is little more than an INTERNET pastime.
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Originally Posted By: rsheard
From the sound of it, the web team set up the data form wrong and didn't allow for fewer than 7 choices. When they realized the error they changed it and provided the opportunity to correct one's vote. Conspiracy? Doubtful. Human error? Almost certainly. Vital? Hardly.

yeah right..... laugh

I have sat back for a while as the success in the trophy brought much deserved light to the long suffering faithful and have read the well worn election bollox woven by the moonies but it will be interesting to see what happens in the next 7 days vis these gerrymanderings...sorry elections...

the web team have no excuse for getting it wrong given the amount of money they are paid...IMO they got it wrong deliberately for some reason...we shall of course find out in the next few days...

I certainly hope that my 56 candidates are all worthy of my votes...and I certainly hope that comrade brooks thinks twice about the current spate of bannings...out of the two duck eggs on here one would think that wanchai would get it first... yay
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Having paid the £35 to see what the fuss was about, I decided to vote for the board.

I got an email from the geeks thanking me for my single vote- you know who you are.

The message noted 800 had voted so far so hopefully the real stalwarts will shortly be running the club, irrespective of the £35ers.

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Well there are way too many candidates. If anybody here has time to plough through all those "manifesto's" good luck to them you've more time on your hands than me.

So I voted for a couple of names from here, the elderly lady who has supported Ebbsfleet since the year dot seemed like a good idea.

After that I crossed off all the rude so and so's from the £7.50 disclosure thread because tbh they just came over as arrogant.


I then voted for all the girls and some bloke from Canada with a nice avatar. Job done.

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Will the total number of votes received by each candidate be listed on the website at the end of the election, along with the total poll, number of spoiled votes, and subsequent total valid poll ?


If not, the election is, Under Friendly Society rules, VOID.

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