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Standen sacked


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Absolutely shocking decision. The incident has obviously not been investigated thoroughly enough; how on earth can the board take into consideration all the evidence, make a decision AND act on said decision in just SIX days? It's ridiculous.


Pathetic decision. The club should show the player some support and punish the so-called fan. First song for the next game? Dean Standen, my Lord...

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Whether the decision is right or wrong, surely the official Margate Football Club website should have covered this subject through a release by the Board giving loyal fans the truth about this matter, to make a press release is in my opinion an insult to the fans and wrong. But having read all of the coverage of this incident through the forum including the account of the "fan" involved I doubt if any of the Directors have even seen it. In fact I would like to know if the management even view the posts included here, I doubt it.

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"We’ve terminated his contract by letter and he obviously has the right to appeal but the chap’s guilty."


So there is a contract between the two parties, and binding on each. Therefore if Dean is a member of the PFA his Union can fight his case for him.

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Well, whether he appeals or not, we have lost him and the boo-boys have successfully managed the departure of our longest-serving, and one of our most talented players.


Who do you reckon they will start on next?


And is there any possibility that there will be any protection for the player on the receiving end of the next torrent of abuse? Because there never was for Deano.


No, of course not.

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I would like to think the club will be true to their word and get rid of any fan that gives this sort of abuse June, but there again if they did half of MISA would be lost wink

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The point that I was making was that whatever contract was in existence bound both sides to its terms, the club and the player, and without the knowledge of what has been said by each party it is difficult to make judgments on the outcome.


To move down to MF's comments, re the protection of the player, that opens another argument. In this case maybe there is a system in place for some sort of protection and if the player seemingly takes the law into his own hands and something appalling should happen as a result of it where does that leave the club?


I am not excusing anything that happened on Saturday and do like DS as a player but there does seem to be a number of issues here which all sides have to consider.

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Are stewards trained to stop foul and abusive laungage on the terrences ? because it is against the law anyway in public.


I asked someone today if away from the terrance would they verbaly abuse me and expect me to turn the other cheek or do they think I would give them a good hiding most people would do the later.


As for you Cookie you have never liked Dean from day one. Being an old Ref I don't think you would have taken the abuse from the sidelines during a game without doing something.


I wish Dean good luck and hope like Dan Dolton he plays for supporters who apprieciate his talents and Dedication to the their club.



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Originally Posted By: bigtw
Are stewards trained to stop foul and abusive laungage on the terrences ? because it is against the law anyway in public.

I asked someone today if away from the terrance would they verbaly abuse me and expect me to turn the other cheek or do they think I would give them a good hiding most people would do the later.

As for you Cookie you have never liked Dean from day one. Being an old Ref I don't think you would have taken the abuse from the sidelines during a game without doing something.

I wish Dean good luck and hope like Dan Dolton he plays for supporters who apprieciate his talents and Dedication to the thier club.

We did appreciate him but once again the minority have helped to spoil things. I'm as guilty as anyone for swearing at games - but always at the ref never at the players, have always encouraged rather than abused as they still have feelings!!!!
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I will admit i thought DS should have had his contract cancelled after the last sending off. He has missed to many games and was to susceptible to winding up. Saying that i am sad to see him leave in such sorry circumstances. I hope Trotty and SM can raise the team moral for Hendon on Saturday.

As for who will be next to be picked on by the boo boys ask the fans transport manager, he seems to be the most vocal in that department.

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Originally Posted By: Tony_T

As for you Cookie you have never liked Dean from day one. Being an old Ref I don't think you would have taken the abuse from the sidelines during a game without doing something.

Grow up Tony!. This has got nothing to do with my likes or dislikes.I didn't bring about what he did on Saturday.Not even the abuser from the side-lines told him to go into the crowd.That was his decision no-one elses.
He did wrong,for whatever reason,for whatever provocation,simple as that.
He got sacked for what he did on Saturday,in the main,not for who gave him grief from time to time in the past,not from what the abuser on Saturday said(though of course that instigated it) or for any other reason other than his his further stupid actions on the day.
Shame as I amongst others was praising him after the game for NOT getting involved with an opponent who was niggling him..
I can't believe all this has happened on a day when we played our best football.

In answer to your question,no,I most certainly didn't react to abuse from the sidelines.Its not the done thing or a show of professionalism to do so,even as a local referee.I knew my role as a referee would be lost had I done so.
If that occurred I would report it to the appropriate authorities after the game for them to deal with,no matter HOW I would liked to have dealt with the problem at the time.

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If that occurred I would report it to the appropriate authorities after the game for them to deal with,no matter HOW I would liked to have dealt with the problem at the time.


Which, with hindsight, is what Dean should have done. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing?!!!

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