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Can we all just get on with it now?


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I, like many of you on here have serious reservations about all this but it has happened now and we need to get on with it and make it work.


There is nothing more that we can do regarding the while MyFC ideal. someone owns 75% of the Fleet. FACT.


At the end of the day, we all back the Fleet to the hilt and this is the situation that the Fleet have sailed into now.


We may be in choppy waters but we are all shipmates.


We'll sail on whatever.


I know I'll probably get shot down for this by Hirsty, AFF, John etc but I think that you all really should sign up.


If anything it's bl00dy hilarious on their forum.

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Originally Posted By: Jeff
I, like many of you on here have serious reservations about all this but it has happened now and we need to get on with it and make it work.

There is nothing more that we can do regarding the while MyFC ideal. someone owns 75% of the Fleet. FACT.

At the end of the day, we all back the Fleet to the hilt and this is the situation that the Fleet have sailed into now.

We may be in choppy waters but we are all shipmates.

We'll sail on whatever.

I know I'll probably get shot down for this by Hirsty, AFF, John etc but I think that you all really should sign up.

If anything it's bl00dy hilarious on their forum.

I guess you shouldn't think then Jeff!
Not on my behalf, anyway!
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Originally Posted By: Jeff
There is nothing more that we can do regarding the while MyFC ideal. someone owns 75% of the Fleet. FACT.

nonsense jeff and shame on you....

there is plenty more that you can do....police the new owners for one (the real ones not the herd) and do not underestimate the amount of concern that has been generated at moonie HQ due to posts on these forums....there are 28000 idiots at large here who will shortly find another toy when this one is broken and then the generalissimos who have financially benefited from this very clever scam will lose all.....their biggest fear is failure as failure will ultimately lead to the biggest enquiry that football has ever seen and possibly destroy the lives of those that instigated it all...

the power is with the fleet fans and the fleet trust....its all a matter of the parallex viewpoint...look for it and use it...

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Les, in no way am I thinking for you.


Am just saying that it now has happened and you do have the chance to have a say. It may work out, it may not but at least you'll have a say (of sorts. I know!).


Better than no say and moaning?


I knew I should never have started this thread. :-)




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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
Originally Posted By: Stu M
Originally Posted By: Jeff

If anything it's bl00dy hilarious on their forum.

He's right there, you know...

too true...28000 idiots equals funny at all times.. yay

mind you...I'm 6 of them...better not renew next year.. grin

You had better listen to Unc. He might just be the boss of this venture now..........He has 6 non-shares to your one! grinarse
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Has it ever occured to you that you might just gain more than a few genuine supporters from the ranks of myfc.Ok I admit some of the members scare me too, but we are not all idiots. I had never heard of ebbsfleet untill the takeover was announced, but since then ive been to the club more than once and can honestly say that whatever happens to myfc in the future, you have gained at least one more fan.... and I don't think I'm alone.

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That's why I come here for my Fleet information. There is a sense of levity, honesty, and sanity that has been shown here that I have not seen in the forums there. Granted I will go there and vote, but if I really want an idea what is really going on, I come here.


Mike H. aka Thorough97 in MyFC land.

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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin

mind you...I'm 6 of them...better not renew next year.. grin

Ok you've been baiting the hook often enough, I'll bite:

How come you happily declare multiple memberships when the Society rules state "No member may hold more than one share in the Society either individually or jointly"?
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Originally Posted By: Digitalis

Ok you've been baiting the hook often enough, I'll bite:

How come you happily declare multiple memberships when the Society rules state "No member may hold more than one share in the Society either individually or jointly"?

He's a WUM!

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Originally Posted By: Digitalis
Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin

mind you...I'm 6 of them...better not renew next year.. grin

Ok you've been baiting the hook often enough, I'll bite:

How come you happily declare multiple memberships when the Society rules state "No member may hold more than one share in the Society either individually or jointly"?

Let me see, let's try to make this simple for you.
To prove that if he could do it...........So could somebody else?
Maybe to have six votes, maybe to have greater influence?
Maybe somebody could have a far greater number, hence far greater influence?
To prove the system is flawed?
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Whatever - it's happened, the 'fleet have new owners. Doesn't mean we have to approve of them and in my case certainly doesn't mean I have to join them. I'm sure my one little voice shan't make the tiniest difference in the overall picture of things... personally my attitude now is, if it works, great, more power to the club's elbow and look forward to rising through the leagues. If it doesn't work, and worse case scenario sees the 'fleet cease to exist (notice I said 'worse case') then I will go and support another team. But whatever, I will NOT be putting my money into MYFC

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Originally Posted By: Digitalis
There goes the British myth about Americans not understanding sarcasm and irony...

Do you actually know that, did I miss a post somewhere?
Wouldn't be surprised if you're right but I'd still be interested in hearing from UU.

I've only been an American for seven years! wink

It seems the obvious answer to me....Somebody with the money nad resources to register multi memberships, could then have the majority on all votes, then in affect, be in charge of the Club.
But I'm sure UU will correct me if I'm wrong.
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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
mind you...I'm 6 of them...better not renew next year..

Originally Posted By: Digitalis

How come you happily declare multiple memberships when the Society rules state "No member may hold more than one share in the Society either individually or jointly"?

Originally Posted By: American FLEET FAN No1
To prove that if he could do it...........So could somebody else?
Maybe to have six votes, maybe to have greater influence?
Maybe somebody could have a far greater number, hence far greater influence?
To prove the system is flawed?

all of my memberships (now 8 and rising) are in different names but the vote controlled by me...I have therefore acted inside the societies rules and in fact have assisted MyFc in its desire to raise more cash...

if I therefore chose to I could actually get my memberships over half of the entire membership and control every vote on every issue...it would cost me a little less than half a million quid to give me full control over everything that is put to a vote..all I need is a new email address every time and a name and address from the fone book with the name spelling changed...no checks are being made on new members authenticity as long as they pay...

les is correct in his summary as to reason.. devil
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