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Should MYFC members be allowed to pick our team?


MOTM v Sutton  

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Originally Posted By: .matty
thnx for your £35, it was put towards Ebbsfleet players wages & clearing our debts, this will help the club. Feel free to donate again next year.

I think that £35 he gets under the Mental Health Act is only for his first day release, so he probably won't get it again next year.
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Originally Posted By: Claudius
I will definetly pick the team,and I will do it from my own point of views.

Well don't forget to stand up for what you stand for then !! Don't pick any players whose preferred tipple is a foreign lager !! After all....we are in England !!!


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Liam Daish, a fine upstanding Irishman like meself, should pick the team without interference from a bunch of Internet numpties who haven't the first notion of what's going on physically and psychologically with each and every player. If the lunatics are allowed run the asylum, then they are the ones who should be sacked when the team fails to perform and not the Manager-in-name-only. Here endeth the gospel according to moi.

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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
Originally Posted By: clowntown
I am voting for the guy who openly voted no for this whole sorry deal, and my other six votes are going towards American, Australian and other million miles away numpties. Them too far away to ever turn up for a meeting. We OWN you lot *giggles*


You are slipping Uncle Urchin, there are only two people on here who speak of multiple ownerships and they are both you.

Yoshi is another of the nome-de-plumes that you never use isn't it.

slarti you are soooo predictably boring...your bitterness to an opinion other than your own and the bad memories of a wonderful piece of caskey FA Cup magic knows no bounds.... yay

I have stated thrice already that I only use one log in on here and two dedicated IP addresses...your admins can verify that of course and they have my consent to do so and publish my IP addresses...both in essex may I add...

now be a good chappie and concentrate on the serious matters to hand... laugh
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If the ethos of MyFC is democracy, and if people have been enticed by 'picking the team', then they should be allowed to.


However, if your choice when it comes to picking the team is to allow Liam Daish to choose for you, this should also be allowed.


Realistically, there will be a greater majority voting for Daish's selection than any other individually-tailored choice, whilst still allowing pure democracy along MyFC lines.

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Originally Posted By: KShep
If the ethos of MyFC is democracy, and if people have been enticed by 'picking the team', then they should be allowed to.

the sales pitch was indeed that but the ethos of those instigating it most certainly isn't

Originally Posted By: KShep
However, if your choice when it comes to picking the team is to allow Liam Daish to choose for you, this should also be allowed

don't bank on it..the courts await

Originally Posted By: KShep
Realistically, there will be a greater majority voting for Daish's selection than any other individually-tailored choice, whilst still allowing pure democracy along MyFC lines.

totally unrealistic assumption and what democracy do you speak of? ...allowing for 30,000 mugs to buy a football club for a select few....crikey I wish I had thought of that before I dumped a million squidlies into ours...

I have to take my hat off to them and have a quiet giggle... grin

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Hm,yes..regarding that million squidlies UU,what went wrong?

A sum like that should have,and had for some time I understand,a distinctive impact on a team in those series.

Still it didn´t end so well.

There must have been some mistakes made during it all I take it.

What were those?



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Originally Posted By: Claudius
Hm,yes..regarding that million squidlies UU,what went wrong?
A sum like that should have,and had for some time I understand,a distinctive impact on a team in those series.
Still it didn´t end so well.
There must have been some mistakes made during it all I take it.
What were those?

fair question (although not relevant to these proceedings) but which I accept as fair game given my comments on here and which I shall answer truthfully...

you and indeed me to a degree will never understand what happened (we do not have the time) but suffice to say I and our club are still there...still 3 levels higher than when we started 6 years ago with 500% more fans than we had 6 years ago and with a self sufficient paid for no debt facility that pays our way....yes of course I made mistakes in my enthusiasm and indeed I have made many mistakes in my career...all very painful may I add...but show me a man worth his salt that hasn't...you have to take it as well as take it... smile

its the life we choose...

but I will tell you this from the heart...our club is not for sale...it belongs to our fans...which is why I stayed after my newest acquisition collapsed and for which I have since received huge compensation and I am sooo bloody glad that I did....our original social and football club was not effected by the fallout but yes I did pay off at discounted rates the players contracts....I have no conscience about that....I didn't sign them and I didn't know half of them but undertook the responsibilty to pay them off...under FA debt rules I had to...or else we couldn't have continued...my family were not happy about me doing so but I have a shaving mirror and I need to look into it every day...I can...

I and my family are still the current custodians of Hx and I and my family are still there.....

where will you be in 6 years time...?

I hope and trust at EUFC but I won't bet my shaving mirror on it... laugh
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I can´t say for sure where I´ll be in six years time.

Given the grace still to be alive,I´ll continue to be the Wolves fan I am.That will not change for any worldly reasons.

Regarding EUFC..I don´t know in all honesty.

I wont masquerade on here as a true and genuine Fleet fan.I am not.If things turns sour regarding the MyFC involvement in the club,I am sure I will take an even more outside interest in the club,and if things turns sour I am sure that would be the prefered direction to take from The Fleet fans point of view as well.

In six years time,I will still take an interest in the club though.I only think one can be a true fan of one club,and that club never changes.For me that club is Wolves but I would surely continue to follow The Fleet a little bit from the side..so to speak.

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Originally Posted By: Claudius
I can´t say for sure where I´ll be in six years time.
Given the grace still to be alive,I´ll continue to be the Wolves fan I am.That will not change for any worldly reasons.
Regarding EUFC..I don´t know in all honesty.
I wont masquerade on here as a true and genuine Fleet fan.I am not.If things turns sour regarding the MyFC involvement in the club,I am sure I will take an even more outside interest in the club,and if things turns sour I am sure that would be the prefered direction to take from The Fleet fans point of view as well.
In six years time,I will still take an interest in the club though.I only think one can be a true fan of one club,and that club never changes.For me that club is Wolves but I would surely continue to follow The Fleet a little bit from the side..so to speak.

thats fair enough and I think that the true fleet fans will appreciate that candour...
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Almost lost track of the thread...some great contributions though..



Should MYFC members be allowed to pick our team?


Answer = NO.. Simple as.

I am a MyFC member. However, I have to be prepared to accept democracy......Sometimes I'm happy with that, sometimes I'm not!! However, I will continue, in these uncertain times, to press for a 'vote Liam's choice' button. To me, it makes sense that experts (like Liam , and staff) should be given the ultimate say in team selection/tactics.



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Originally Posted By: Claudius
I can´t say for sure where I´ll be in six years time.
Given the grace still to be alive,I´ll continue to be the Wolves fan I am.That will not change for any worldly reasons.
Regarding EUFC..I don´t know in all honesty.
I wont masquerade on here as a true and genuine Fleet fan.I am not.If things turns sour regarding the MyFC involvement in the club,I am sure I will take an even more outside interest in the club,and if things turns sour I am sure that would be the prefered direction to take from The Fleet fans point of view as well.
In six years time,I will still take an interest in the club though.I only think one can be a true fan of one club,and that club never changes.For me that club is Wolves but I would surely continue to follow The Fleet a little bit from the side..so to speak.
my sentiments exactly but I'm a villa fan at heart
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