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The Club Bar, Can it be a G & N History Bar ?


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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Why open only once a fortnight? Once the games are streamed live, is there any reason the club bar couldn't be used for fans to watch away games?

If they get the punters in then no problem. However, would it be worth opening up for 10 or 15 people ? Just because we have 27,000 potential crowd, reality would seem to suggest that we wouldn't get enough to make it viable ( or course I maybe wrong ?). Whilst all this promise of a brave new world is very heartening ( if it works !), there is not a bottomless pit of cash, so business logic will still have to come into play.

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Originally Posted By: David Holden

Perhaps we should stop selling Strongbow to increase the sales of bitter smile

We don't want that sort of talk Wilson !!

During my bitter drinking days I still didn't take kindly to a pint of Sh*t & Scream, and it certainly didn't take kindly to me !!

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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
Originally Posted By: PatMan
Why open only once a fortnight? Once the games are streamed live, is there any reason the club bar couldn't be used for fans to watch away games?

If they get the punters in then no problem. However, would it be worth opening up for 10 or 15 people ? Just because we have 27,000 potential crowd, reality would seem to suggest that we wouldn't get enough to make it viable ( or course I maybe wrong ?). Whilst all this promise of a brave new world is very heartening ( if it works !), there is not a bottomless pit of cash, so business logic will still have to come into play.

I wonder how many WOULD turn up to watch a 'live' away game on the telly, in decent surroundings, with a crowd of like-minded fans? What would be the break-even cost?
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Hirsty
Originally Posted By: PatMan
Why open only once a fortnight? Once the games are streamed live, is there any reason the club bar couldn't be used for fans to watch away games?

If they get the punters in then no problem. However, would it be worth opening up for 10 or 15 people ? Just because we have 27,000 potential crowd, reality would seem to suggest that we wouldn't get enough to make it viable ( or course I maybe wrong ?). Whilst all this promise of a brave new world is very heartening ( if it works !), there is not a bottomless pit of cash, so business logic will still have to come into play.

I wonder how many WOULD turn up to watch a 'live' away game on the telly, in decent surroundings, with a crowd of like-minded fans? What would be the break-even cost?

I Would guess that it would be the same amount that turn up at Fleet Leisure at the moment.
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Originally Posted By: BustaGut

I Would guess that it would be the same amount that turn up at Fleet Leisure at the moment.

Busta - I have thought about Fleet Leisure... So you have to PAY to use a bar? And until recently your membership needed to be proposed? Hardly likely to attract the crowds!

Hopefully people knowing that they can just 'turn-up', have a pint or two, and watch the streamed away game, would be enough to get more people in!
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Bearing in mind the actual filming and transmission costs are going to be picked up by MyFC, there shouldn't be too many. Just the basic running costs of the bar - which should in turn generate profit for the club which would be a nice little bonus!

MyFC/EUFC...is it not the same thing ( post Feb 18 !)?

Still costs incurred by the new masters, is it not ?

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Originally Posted By: PatMan

Hopefully people knowing that they can just 'turn-up', have a pint or two, and watch the streamed away game, would be enough to get more people in!

Would England games on TV there be another game where the bar might open ? Repeats of Dads Army ? . Hirsty, I have that Wilsons number noted for the Strongbow Treason talk.
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Originally Posted By: Hirsty

MyFC/EUFC...is it not the same thing ( post Feb 18 !)?

Still costs incurred by the new masters, is it not ?


As far as I can understand it - they are going to HAVE to provide THEIR members with some kind of way to see the games to enable them to do the "Pick the Team" part of the ownership promise. Therefore, if this is to be funded from the £35 membership money, I dont see any reason why the benefits cannot be passed onto fans who go to the ground as well...
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Fair comment....but, why should the non £35 boys get the same rights & priviledges of those that pay to join ?


Will MyFC members have first refusal of any cup tickets that may be on limited supply ? They must want something for their membership ? Yes, they will have to watch a game or two to pick the team ( a load of b*llocks, but we won't go there on this one !), but why should they provide the service to the likes of us for free ?

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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
Fair comment....but, why should the non £35 boys get the same rights & priviledges of those that pay to join ?

Will MyFC members have first refusal of any cup tickets that may be on limited supply ? They must want something for their membership ? Yes, they will have to watch a game or two to pick the team ( a load of b*llocks, but we won't go there on this one !), but why should they provide the service to the likes of us for free ?

For free?
Hirsty, how much do you give to the club for your season ticket? How much do others give by paying £13 on the day? How much is given via the Fleet Trust - hardly free is it? As you mentioned earlier, after the official take over we are all one big 'happy' family, so it shouldn't make any difference from where the money originates - or does it?
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Busta - I have thought about Fleet Leisure... So you have to PAY to use a bar? And until recently your membership needed to be proposed? Hardly likely to attract the crowds!

They was letting Fleet fans in for free for the televised games but I didn't see anything mentioned for last night. Fleetbabe normally comes on to announce it. If I remember rightly they once gave a free beer to anyone wearing a Fleet shirt. I popped along for the Woking game and I'm not a member.
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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
One awaits to find out....


well I can't speak for my fellow owners hirsty but I will certainly expect favourable treatment after parting with my 35 quid (well 210 quid actually but don't tell wanchai)

anyway... I have today emailed the managing partner of the law firm of DLPLLPPDSUYBPLC requesting that fiddy makes public the firms invoices for the DD and also requesting that my rights as a major shareholder be upheld by awarding me a car parking place inside the VIP area....

a helicopter pad was of course a step to far and in any event chairman will would want one if he saw mine... grin
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We should be teaching staff how to serve Guinness properly, tilt the glass at a 45 degree angle while you pour it to 2/3rds full, let it settle for two minutes and the tilt the pump the other way to fill up the rest.


It should be taught to all bar staff on day one. I don't blame the staff, I blame the management.


Chelsea started doing "beam backs" in 95. You obviously had to buy tickets at about £10 each. This continued, not for every away game but about one a month until the lauched Chelsea TV and started to charge a £10 to watch every live match in the bar. If the match ws televised, on Sky for example then you were allowed entry to the bar for free.


One match, Bacelona in the Champions League, last season? I turned up to watch the game in the Shed bar as it was televised only to be told I would have to pay £10. Bar next door was showing it for nothing.

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