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MyFC - Yet a further cause of climate change.


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Having attempted to initiate a serious debate, I am saddened (but not surprised) that many seem to have treated it as a joke. When all of the world's top respected independant scientists accept that global warming is causing climate change, shouldn't we accept that it is time to sit up and really do something? Those who have refused to do anything (eg Texan oilmen plus the US President in their pocket) are only protecting their privileged wealthy positions and conning themselves and others that we can keep on polluting the world as usual. Presently the USA and Australia are about top of the league of offenders. China, India etc are catching up only because they are now the chosen sites for Western corporations' operations. What I am saying to overseas MyFC subscribers is think long and hard before adding to the problem by making unnecessary flights. For those that can't or won't, at least use a reputable organisation and calculate your carbon useage and pay-up accordingly.This shouldn't be taken as being as good as not making an unneccessary trip, but it goes some little way in offsetting the damage done. It is not incompatible to be passionate about both football and the environment. It is about being aware of the wider picture. If we don't care then we can hardly moan when the consequences catch up with us.

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I feel so bad about we Australians being in the Top Two environmental vandals...Top 2...really?...wow.


We've always been competitive and punched way above our weight.


No...I do care about the environment and here is my small (in significance but not in litres)contribution towards helping the environment.

I've spent many an introspective, nay contemplative moment with brain in hand wondering why they can turn sewage waste into drinkable water but have made no attempt to do the same with the result being drinkable beer.

There were those brave but failed experiments where scientists used themselves as guinea pigs including that of Dr.Foster. Luckily most of his (by)product was destroyed and what leaked through was sent to parts unknown.

Surely some filtering device using reverse osmosis, attached to a chiller could see the waste product recycled and on tap within seconds given the proximity of the urinals.

Win/Win situation with a reduction in environmental waste and a new income stream for EUFC.

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