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Anybody on here standing for the MYFC Board ?


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I think you under estimate your popularity on the Myfc forum grin


Give a go Jeff. I'd vote for you.


Without sounding arrogant, the few comments I have made pi$$ on a lot of the others that I have read who have been getting positive feedback. Hardly anyone replies to my thread :-(


Will have a conflab about this tomorrow DA11.

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Originally Posted By: Jeff
I think you under estimate your popularity on the Myfc forum grin

Give a go Jeff. I'd vote for you.

Without sounding arrogant, the few comments I have made pi$$ on a lot of the others that I have read who have been getting positive feedback. Hardly anyone replies to my thread :-(

Will have a conflab about this tomorrow DA11.

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This will look like MYFC propaganda but it is written with the best interests of all concerned at heart.


Read a lot about ownership on this thread.

Need to define ownership.

If you own something its yours to do with what you will.

Pre-MYFC..2 blokes owned EUFC with their 80% of shares.

They decided to sell EUFC to an internet based entity.

A lot of you were/are Trust share holders..you 'owned' the club...what say did you have?


We have to get away from the 'ownership' dynamic.


I know the MYFC motto is "Own a Football Club" but I saw that as more of an attention grabber for prospective UK/European/USA members raised in an 'ownership' era.

One of the tenets of and major attractions to MYFC was "power (back) to the people' as a counter to Russian/US/Thai club ownership model.

Memo to self: Cash some BHP shares and buy Boreham Wood.


What you have now is 28000 new members* not owners.


Their 35 quid 'annual' subscription is not an acquisitional type of ownership where one expects monetary dividends and capital gain but is more a symbolic gesture where the dividends are abstract and primarily emotional in the form of:

linking with a like minded group(reflecting the primal gregariousness of man);

experiencing 'feelings' through the joy or angst of victory or defeat in an increasingly detached modern world;

establishing another facet of identity in a rapidly depersonalised world and;

the possibility of communicating with new people broadening our friendship network.

I'm sure there are plenty more personal dividends.

The capital gain is an enriched life.


The dividends and the capital gain mentioned above are exactly the same for anyone who follows EUFC. You might have been going to games for 25 years and buying the gear, going in 50/50's, attending fund raisers and have never expected a penny in return.

While wins and promotions are the superficial measure of your monetary and time investment, the 'real' dividends are the same as those I've listed above for the new 28000 MYFC 'members'.

Of course your dividends have been flowing over a longer period rewarding you for your early personal investment and you are able to lay claim to the highly valued character trait of loyalty....sticking with EUFC through thick and thin... which reinforces your own emotional attachment, deepens your group identity and enriches your weekly match experience.


As I've stated before on here( and the MYFC Forum) I am a member of the Western Bulldogs(formerly Footscray...recent name change..ring a bell?)Australian Rules club...35000 members...40 quid a year..free entry to 4 games, cap, key ring, bumper stickers.

I pay every year...I don't 'own' the club...no-one does...we are all members and supporters.

I've been going to Wagga City Rugby games for the last 20 years..I am a member..but I don't 'own' the club.


Most of us don't crave shares..we crave sharing.

Sharing experiences.

What has happened at EUFC is the opportunity to share your experiences with 28000 people on a global basis(even in Australia). A great opportunity for all of us.


*could have used the word 'stakeholders' but I hate it.



PS:Re voting situation. While conspiracy theories abound and agents provocateur revel in the current state of play, it has to be noted that the MYFC concept is radical, innovative and unique.

Will and the boys have been under a fair bit of pressure to have things 'happen' in a 'give it to me now' world. On those counts one must expect 'teething problems' and once the Board is in place I would expect to see a more rational and measured approach.

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Can you,in a nutshell, explain what powers or decision making process successful candidates for membership of the MyFC Society board will have? What links those who are successful in this process to who become directors of EUFC Limited?

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Originally Posted By: kmj
Can you,in a nutshell, explain what powers or decision making process successful candidates for membership of the MyFC Society board will have? What links those who are successful in this process to who become directors of EUFC Limited?

don't be silly he's an aussie..they can't even explain what they're doing down there...thats why most of them are back up here... devil
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Yeah. Have some fun with the Fleet from Australia.


I hve just had to comment on this. [****!!****] hilarious isn't it mate?


Hi Guys, and thanks for the comments. I'm not a frequent poster, and sometimes speak before I think, so please don't take offense with anything I say ... I admit that I'm not the best qualified to make the following comments, but as a member I'm sure everyone agrees that I'm allowed to air some thoughts (which I'm sure some will disagree with ... and that's one of the great things about open discussion!).


I guess the question I'm posing is ...


"As a member of MYFC, wouldn't you prefer to have the club named myfootballclub instead of Ebbsfleet?"


Perhaps the FA wouldn't allow the name to be changed to myfootballclub, but if it would, would you prefer that as a club name, or Ebbsfleet?


One of the reasons for the great level of world-wide interest in MYFC was because of it's name. It implied that the members owned the club and made the decisions about how it was run. We were proud to be associated with MYFC, as we were, through our membership and support, creating something new and unique. The name of the club we were buying didn't matter, as we were MYFC members.


So, with the purchase of Ebbsfleet essentially complete, what will happen to the brand equity that was built with MYFC? There will be no need to keep the MYFC brand as we'll all be Ebbsfleet members. But doesn't myfootballclub have greater brand recognition than Ebbsfleet? Ebbsfleet as a club name, is relatively new too, but I'd wager MYFC is already better known, and will be easier to 'market' in the future ... which will help us to increase membership.


Perhaps the FA wouldn't allow the name to be changed to myfootballclub, but if it would, would you prefer that as a club name, or Ebbsfleet?


Cheers .... twobob


(PS I'll still be supporting the team if it is called Ebbsfleet, but think it would getter world-wide interest if it was changed to MYFC. I also apologies if this has been discussed on a different thread ... there are so many it can be difficult to find the one you're looking for!).


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Hello everyone,

I will be short as I am sleepy.

MYFC members really are required to pay 35 pounds a year. However, they are the shareholders of the MYFC Society as the first year, one pound of those 35 they are paying for the share. The following years all 35 is subscription.

Share certificates are irrelevant in this story, they are worthless pieces of paper anyways (a pdf odcument, to be more precise). The register of shareholders is what counts.

Shareholders, therefore, really are the owners of the Society.


The legal status of MYFC shareholders is not what you should really be worried about. The Fleet supporters have much bigger problems to worry about than this.


How many of you have bought shares in MYFC Society? I suggest you do that in the next two days, it might be too late after that. That would give you the opportunity to support your local candidates and those who care about the future of such an old institution as your club is. That is, if you want to save your own club from the hands of sheep-headed childish tw@ts.


Good night.



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It is not only MYFC Society who you should be aware of.

Did you know that (presumably Will Brooks' company) MYFC Limited has the right to take a percentage of all TV rights of all home matches of Ebbsfleet as well as of all the merchandise sold by the club?

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Originally Posted By: yoshi

How many of you have bought shares in MYFC Society? I suggest you do that in the next two days, it might be too late after that. That would give you the opportunity to support your local candidates and those who care about the future of such an old institution as your club is. That is, if you want to save your own club from the hands of sheep-headed childish hmongs.

Good night.

hmongs? Aren't they a group of Chinese people? Is that some kind of ethnic slur? not very nice if it is
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I appologise to Hmongs Chinese people - that word is used in a completely different sense on an another forum where I occasionaly waste my time, also without any reference to those Chinese people which I must have offended, for which I am trully sorry. So, my appologies to all the Hmongs (Chinese) on this forum and worldwide.

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