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MYFC Democracy or lack of it . . .


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Having been signed up to MYFC for a few weeks now, I thought I'd try the new chatroom feature briefly this evening on MYFC.


There seemed to be little "football chat" going on the room. When I had the audacity to question whether the Nike deal would really be decided by an "internet poll" or if it had been decided already by MYFC heirarchy, I was immediately booted by a guy called Oatcake and accused of hating the MYFC concept and Will Brooks. Upon returning I asked why I got booted and was warned that I would get booted again if I annoyed him.


I'd like to add that I was perfectly polite and can not understand why MYFC need to "police" the room in such a manner. As a MYFC member, I'm VERY disappointed by this approach and feel it will alienate members if this policy continues. As it is I won't be returning to the chat room again.


The point Im trying to make (sorry for the rant) is that this forum has always allowed "open discussion" for the G&N FC fans.

As fans do we have to tow the MYFC party line on everying?


I'd like to add that I was 1 of the first fleet fans to embrace the MYFC notions, as my article "pro's and cons of MYFC" demonstrated, that was subsequently posted on the MYFC website by Donachi. I can see many of the benefits that MYFC brings with it but my first real and only experience of the MYFC chat room has left me feeling sad that "open discussion" does not seem to be permitted.


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Seems to look that way - NIKE are suggesting that thay will pay (an unspecified) amount for all merchandise sales. I reckon that means 'goodbye, Fleet Shop'. That's why it's shut at the mo., IMHO.. Will re-appear in a re-branded (NIKE) kinda way, perhaps??? P.S. Looking for a few {hundred} people who don't mind stitching-up kits in a sweatshop environment..



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Jim GNFC , what happened to you was the same as if somebody came in here and somebody was less than kind to them. The person referred to is just a member, as I am , or many of you are on here.


People can not say THE MYFC THIS, MYFC THAT, based on the comments of 1 person. Indeed I would say that Chat Rooms tend to be less friendly places to be than forums.


I would hope that a person would not say, EBBSFLEET FANS ARE THIS OR THAT based on the experiance of talking to one person in here.


I do hope you go back again , and post plenty of times on the MYFC forum. For every 1 unfriendly, there are many many constructive and helpful people.


If you have any further problems, please get in touch.



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AFF, you have seen through our evil plan. Takeover the Fleet Trust and this board. We also have another plan, that is to try and have a great time watching The Fleet and hopefully by working together, try and move the team and club forward. Tin hat on, and awaiting your reply.

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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox
Jim GNFC , what happened to you was the same as if somebody came in here and somebody was less than kind to them. The person referred to is just a member, as I am , or many of you are on here.

Umm, it's not the same at all. All Jim did was go onto a chat room and ask a question. If he came on here and asked a question, he may get shouted down, but he wouldn't be booted off unless his comments were racist etc. Even then the post is just generally removed and the person would be warned if hey continued to do it.

I couldn't tell you the amount of people that have been banned from this forum in the last 5 odd years, but I would say it would be very low. It's rare that I even have to remove posts.

Fow a scheme based on it's democrasy, there seems to be quite a few people complaining about removed threads and posts and now being booted for asking simple questions. How can that be justified?
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I really don't like the way that threads simply get 'closed' for no reason.


Kind of kills the debate doesn't it?


I have been emailed on there this morning about putting myself forward for this 'board' (whatever that means?)


I really think that some of us need to get on there to keep a bit of reality in our football club.

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Chatrooms is not official in that sense of the word like a messageboard.

Oatcake is a member of the MyFC,that is all.He doesn´t hold any position at MyFC..like myself I might add.

Oatcake is not on the forum team(moderators of the messageboard) or the web team.He is an "ordinary" member.

Chris,you cannot compare the messageboard to a chatroom.

You know this.

Besides,there is always two sides of the coin.I haven´t heard Oatcakes version of what went down,but still..a bigger storm in a smaller glass of water than this one is hardsearched for.

Regarding threads closed on the MyFC messageboard it is almost always a case of having duplicate threads on the board.

It must really be looked after,otherwise the messageboard..who has an important role to play at MyFC would be severly harder to read.

This is nothing..and seeing people who isn´t even on the board trying to critise things they don´t have any knowledge of looks bad.

Sorry Chris.

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Exactly David.


This is what irks me the most.


I have been told that my opinion on team matters and selection means nothing as I am only one of 28,000.


I strongly disagree with someone in Australia (or anywhere) telling me who should be up front when three months ago, they had never heard of Gravesend, let alone Ebbsfleet.


As for 'giving football back to the fans' well, I for one, feel completely alienated and it seems that this is just going to happen, whatever us lot think.


From the comments on there yesterday about the new kit proposal, I am now of the idea that the Fleet has become a plaything for a load of people who have no real feelings for it or capability to make sensible decisions regarding it.


I propose that they all go to Second Life and make a virtual club there that they can do their best to belittle and mess up.


I'm quite upset by all this (and our winning streak coming to an end).

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Originally Posted By: Claudius
Chatrooms is not official in that sense of the word like a messageboard.
Oatcake is a member of the MyFC,that is all.He doesn´t hold any position at MyFC..like myself I might add.
Oatcake is not on the forum team(moderators of the messageboard) or the web team.He is an "ordinary" member.
Chris,you cannot compare the messageboard to a chatroom.
You know this.
Besides,there is always two sides of the coin.I haven´t heard Oatcakes version of what went down,but still..a bigger storm in a smaller glass of water than this one is hardsearched for.
Regarding threads closed on the MyFC messageboard it is almost always a case of having duplicate threads on the board.
It must really be looked after,otherwise the messageboard..who has an important role to play at MyFC would be severly harder to read.
This is nothing..and seeing people who isn´t even on the board trying to critise things they don´t have any knowledge of looks bad.
Sorry Chris.

No need to apologise at all, but you're wrong

If he has no position on the forum team or web team, how or why does he have the power to boot people off a chat room? Are there a set of rules for the room that everybody has access to?

I think you can compare the chat room to a messageboard, they essentially run the same way.

The threads removed on the myfc site are not always taken off because of duplication. There were loads the other week taken off because of discussions that they didn't want going on.

"and seeing people who isn´t even on the board trying to critise things they don´t have any knowledge of looks bad"

I don't know if that was aimed at me or Jim, but surely the point of democracy is that you CAN critisise things whenever you want, and if there are things that they don't know about, then surely the 'owners' have a right to that information? Jim is a member of myfc why can't he say what he likes.

I often go on to the myfc board and post, I may even join one day, but all the time they run the joint like this all they're gonna do is drive people away and make it very hard to get their 10,000 members next year
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Sorry you had such a crap experience Jim.

The only time I use the chatrooms are when I can't get to a game, the discussion then is generally about the match in progress.


It's a good question why somebody who isn't a member of the Forum Team can kick you off.


I would have suggested that you sent this Oatcake guy a private message to sort it, but on the MyFC you can only send messages to someone you've "Added as a Friend" - sort of goes against the grain a bit.


The MyFC chatroom is pretty new. If you ever decide to give it another bash and have a similar problem, try to copy the screen and let me know, I can talk you through how to do that if necessary. There's an alternative, unofficial, chatroom that's been going for quite a long time, you can get to it here: http://ebbsfleet.bluebones.net/chat.html


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Don't worry MyFC democracy took a big turn for the worse yesterday when it was revealed that the Society Board of the MyFC Trust would not be involved in running the club as I suspect many of them thought they would be. The membership will only be allowed to vote on things that the directors deemed appropriate.


Who exactly these directors are or will be and how they will be elected I'm not quite sure......any ideas ?

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