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10,000 didn't bother voting

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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Given the fact that about 50% of the notification emails have not been opened

Making facts up - tut tut.
Originally Posted By: doheochai

It also must be remembered that a large number of people signed-up in the past week. There was another spike yesterday after another email was sent out and sign-ups continue at a rate of about 10 an hour this morning.

And the people who signed up this last week, surely these would have been almost sure to vote? The MyFC thing WILL lose interest for those who wanted another club, or who think that Fleet are 'too far' to bother about.
However the fact that 10 an hour STILL want to join is good news, all that extra finance to the club, plus the new members are only joining cos they actually want Fleet to be the club (either that, or its members opting to have more than 1 share laugh )
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: doheochai
Given the fact that about 50% of the notification emails have not been opened

Making facts up - tut tut.

We if it isn't accurate it's not me making it up - I defer to the MyFc WebTeam.

Originally Posted By: PatMan

And the people who signed up this last week, surely these would have been almost sure to vote? The MyFC thing WILL lose interest for those who wanted another club, or who think that Fleet are 'too far' to bother about.

Of course not all the current members who joined this year will renew. No one ever claimed they would. As long as new people coming in replace those not renewing then I think everyone involved will be thrilled to bits. And even if this didn't happen there will have to be a substantial drop (i.e. losing half the membership) before the entire MyFc project would be unviable.
Originally Posted By: PatMan

However the fact that 10 an hour STILL want to join is good news, all that extra finance to the club, plus the new members are only joining cos they actually want Fleet to be the club (either that, or its members opting to have more than 1 share laugh )

Well over 1,700 members have now extended their membership to two years or more since last Wednesday. As far as I know this is on top of the 7% of the earlier membership (about 1,200) who had previously signed-up for more than one year. This income has been ring-fenced so it cannot be spent this year unless a majority of the membership vote to use it for some purpose.

Following the announcement of the result of the vote this morning there was another spike in sign-ups (up to about 80 an hour) and sign-ups are currently happening at a rate of about 30 an hour.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai

We if it isn't accurate it's not me making it up - I defer to the MyFc WebTeam.

Thats okay, then Dom - just blame someone else.

Originally Posted By: doheochai

Of course not all the current members who joined this year will renew. No one ever claimed they would. As long as new people coming in replace those not renewing then I think everyone involved will be thrilled to bits. And even if this didn't happen there will have to be a substantial drop (i.e. losing half the membership) before the entire MyFc project would be unviable.

Is there a known figure where MyFC would have to call a stop to things?
Originally Posted By: doheochai

Well over 1,700 members have now extended their membership to two years or more since last Wednesday. As far as I know this is on top of the 7% of the earlier membership (about 1,200) who had previously signed-up for more than one year. This income has been ring-fenced so it cannot be spent this year unless a majority of the membership vote to use it for some purpose.

Would be very surprised if the total number of members for 2 or more years was 3,000. I would think that 1700 is the new total... Bearing in mind half of your members can't even open email, and nearly 10,000 couldn't be bothered to vote
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
The MyFC thing WILL lose interest for those who wanted another club, or who think that Fleet are 'too far' to bother about.
However the fact that 10 an hour STILL want to join is good news, all that extra finance to the club, plus the new members are only joining cos they actually want Fleet to be the club

I think you're spot on, PatMan. Seeing the number of new members who have joined since the Fleet were the announced choice is extremely encouraging. There will obviously be some turnover after year one, but I hope the new members will more than make up for it.
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Originally Posted By: rsheard

I think you're spot on, PatMan. Seeing the number of new members who have joined since the Fleet were the announced choice is extremely encouraging. There will obviously be some turnover after year one, but I hope the new members will more than make up for it.

Wonder how many more members would be attracted by play-off place/promotion? Or a good Setanta Shield or FA Trophy run - and the media exposure these would provide?

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Originally Posted By: Lord Horn
Originally Posted By: waggamick
Lord Horn meets Long Horn.
Texter meets Texan.

I want to be at that game.

Very good Mick but not quite gold bar standard!

Just reading your recently published diary LH...
(Apologies for minor alterations to someone De Guin)

" 'Lord Horn,' she said, 'I wish I had gone to the Ebsfleet match, when—when people still could go.'

'There is more than one road to Stonebridge Road,' he said.

'Were you ever there?'

He looked at her with his grey, distant gaze.

'I have been to the ground. That is why I am called lord, because I have been there,' he said, kind and cold and calm.

'Did you see the King?'

'The shadow,' Horn said, 'I saw the bright shadow of the King,' but the word was feminine so that it must mean the Queen or the Mother; and none of the words he spoke meant anything, and she understood them as she had never understood anything in her life. His eyes that looked always from a distance were on hers. If I ... touch him I will see clearly, she thought. The screen will be gone and I will stand both there and here. But in that knowledge I am destroyed.

Horn's grey eyes said gently, Do not touch me, child."

Are we talking Gravesend Princess here or what?
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Originally Posted By: TexasLonghorn
Originally Posted By: waggamick
Lord Horn meets Long Horn.
Texter meets Texan.

I want to be at that game.

I don't know what that means, but it frightens me.

Don't worry TL, it's Micks deranged Aussie humour - as we say up here in Norfolk, methinks he's gone a bit doolalley!
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Originally Posted By: PatMan

Thats okay, then Dom - just blame someone else.

Absolutely - I only accept the blame when I f*ck up myself (which of course never happens)

Originally Posted By: PatMan

Is there a known figure where MyFC would have to call a stop to things?

If the membership falls below 15,000 - then the rules dictate that a vote must be held to continue. Below this point the 'operator' can pull the plug on the site as it wouldn't be financially viable to continue. However, I would expect the project to continue even below this level if there is a desire by those left to continue - the bottom figure would probably be about 10,000.

Originally Posted By: PatMan

Would be very surprised if the total number of members for 2 or more years was 3,000. I would think that 1700 is the new total... Bearing in mind half of your members can't even open email, and nearly 10,000 couldn't be bothered to vote

No one is under any illusions that the key moment will be 31st January 2009, when 25,000+ will be asked to renew. How we work between now and then, and how successfulwe are, will determine a lot. But this concept has grasped people's imagination - so you never know.

Originally Posted By: PatMan

Wonder how many more members would be attracted by play-off place/promotion? Or a good Setanta Shield or FA Trophy run - and the media exposure these would provide?

It definitely won't hurt - and a cup final at Wembley would be big.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai

If the membership falls below 15,000 - then the rules dictate that a vote must be held to continue. Below this point the 'operator' can pull the plug on the site as it wouldn't be financially viable to continue. However, I would expect the project to continue even below this level if there is a desire by those left to continue - the bottom figure would probably be about 10,000.

that surprises me somewhat wanchai...are you saying that the rules laid down and accepted by members can be changed at any time.. but overidden by the operator..?
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Originally Posted By: Lord Horn
methinks he's gone a bit doolalley!

Might have to change my nickname...you've obviously read the review of my biography, The Doolalley Kid.

Mick is not happy with his life at home and at school. His mum is always travelling with a 'theatre' group and sends him expensive gifts in the hope that he will develop a worthy, artistic talent. Living with the eccentric Lord Horn provides further problems. His work as a psychic medium and his flamboyant behaviour is a major embarrassment. And then there is school itself. Tall, gangly, untalented, victimised and virtually friendless, Mick, a teacher there for 15 years does not have much to look forward to. However, Lord Horn forecasts change when he 'reads' Mick's beer scum and predicts that an upcoming thunderstorm will change his life. The storm sends an electric charge to Mick's computer and he forms a series of connections with past lives and FansFocus. Each of them uses Mick as a medium to express their artistic brilliance and, from that moment on, Mick's life changes.
For the worse.

Adapted from a book review of Aussie Childrens book, The Doolalley Kid.
Found out that Doolalley is an Indian town infamous for its mental hospital.
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