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Rumford 1 v 4 Eton Manor


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Well Rumford got smashed! To be fair though both sides had quite a few chances but Manor's forwards were the difference. Must say having been to a few games this season does anyone else think the standand has dropped from previous seasons? Also the league seems to have split into those with money and those without barring 'Side of course.


Anyway big shock of the night......Jerry 'the black love god' Lyons playing for Rumford....they must be desperate! grin Jerry your stats are bulls**t mate! On last nights game they would read crosses = 0, shots = 0, overall performance and effectivenss = 0! biglaugh


Can you explain the porno pose at the end when you came off injured? Or was that because you were getting thumped? whistle


Good to meet the Rumford mugs again - MCP you are not as ugly as JP21 freak....Hi Young s**t coach *wave*. Must say Rumford have gone downhill since you went there! Lightweight nice chatting to you, you boring bast**d! AND you charged me. Can't believe that! Was that TBag I spotted as well? Where was LuckyPinkPants. Obviously UM bottled it.


Good to see my prodigy Neil Day the Clapton coach there. Also nice to see Chester, Reg, Alex, Manor Born and the rest of the Manor boys I know. Hi Chopper you ugly kent! freak By the way I didn't realise how short you were..not much bigger than Smallsy! grin Where were Admiral, Twizzle and Scrappydo though? whistle I think when Twizzle's identity is revealed he is going to get a hiding judging by what some Manor boys were saying last night! boxing


And finally I met the legend ZODY! shocked Must say despite what I have read on here he was a really nice guy. Sorry I couldn't hang around for a beer but had to get the boy home. Anyway I think I could get used to this supporter lark. Much more fun.

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Good to see you again Jenko and for once you didn't say anything bad about me laugh


I thought the game was even first half but we missed two good changes at 1-1 and then manor took over the game


Good to See The new lad up front looked quite good and of course the quiet signing of Jerry was unexpected

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No thats a fact, one thing i don't do is lie about how i have played or what i have done. You should know that i am an honest person Trenks.


I ain't played alot of games as you can see and a shank in my opinion is when "A cross is attempted and goes nowhere near a teamate etc".


I started counting my crosses ever since Del challenged Me & Browny a few years ago and it has stuck really : p

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Originally Posted By: Jerry No.14

I ain't played alot of games as you can see and a shank in my opinion is when "A cross is attempted and goes nowhere near a teamate etc".

Thats pretty much everytime then. Cause most of your crosses for Ramblers either went over the fence, or into the rubbish dump! grin
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Originally Posted By: MCP
Good to see you again Jenko and for once you didn't say anything bad about me laugh

I thought the game was even first half but we missed two good changes at 1-1 and then manor took over the game

Good to See The new lad up front looked quite good and of course the quiet signing of Jerry was unexpected

Who was the new forward
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