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why oh why doesnt your club offer concessions to the unemployed,we keep hearing that non league clubs are trying to capture new supporters but why should i as a unempolyed person be expected to pay the same as someone in full time employment? i see that the poncing pensioners and young kids get a discount but not unfortunate individuals such as myself,come on ricay start playing fair and help out the less fortunate.

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do you get reduced entry to the cinena or the theatre, do you get reduced meals at macdonalds. The government provides funds for those unfortunate to be without work and encourage you to find a job, this is to enable you to live as normal a life as possible. Our club is in the main run by voulanteers so why not voulanteer to do some work while you have time on your hands then you never know you may get to see the odd game for free!!!

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if i do work for the club the dole will stop my money,ive not had a job since i left prison in 1989 and most employers dont want to know. my job advisior at the jobcentre is hopeless she keeps finding me jobs which start at 8 am despite the fact that ive told her repeatedly that i dont get up till midday,i dont want a 8 to 4 job anyway as i like watching daytime television,richard and judy and the paul o'grady show are my favourities,it angers me that companies wont be more flexible.why doesnt your club just let me in for half price? that makes sense all round.

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well i can bring my jobseekers allowance booklet and show that to the turnstile operator,its hard to find work around this area because of all the poles.i dont mind paying a couple of quid but im not paying full price,could i get chaep drink in your bar? the towngate in basildon are doing fosters for £1.50 a pint, i would be prepared to pay that and as i say its all helping the club as well as me.

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I think richard193 has a valid case. In fact I'd go further and say that the club should not just offer concessions for the long-term unemployed, but should in fact reward them for atending games. Just a couple of quid; maybe enough for a 10p e/w Yankee. That way we're encouragig them to give day-time telly a miss and get out in the fresh air, or at least up the betting shop.


I think this sort of thing is called "corporate phillanthropy" and lots of clubs are getting into it in a big way. Some give away a "goody bag" at the turnstiles containing condoms, hyperdermics & them long Rizla's. All "lifes little essentials" & the sort of stuff that someone like richard 193 just can't afford to buy for themselves.


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what about concessions for the disabled?,i'm deaf in one ear so i have to stand near the corner flag with my good ear pointing down the pitch,otherwise i can't hear the refs whistle or all the abuse the players and fans shout at each other.but because of this i only see half of the match,i think i should be allowed to pay half price.

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That's the spirit Rick, we need to help these poor unfortunates. I wonder if Geldoff and Bono are aware of Richard's plight!


I may even start a fund to aid Richard's path in life, how much can I put you down for? Poor bloke! grin

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Another good point rocket. I think the unemployed disabled market sector has been seriously overlooked. And don't get me started on "gay rights". There's not one bit of pink paint at New Lodge; no Judy Garland 'photo's on the walls & Gazza never plays Streisand tracks. We just don't cater for the "pink punter" and it's so short-sighted.

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the thing is hookey once you've been in prison employers dont trust you,ok so i done a couple of murders and a few rapes, im not proud of that but dont i deserve a second chance? as i said to the judge im a good lad really but it was the voices in my head which made me do the things i did.

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They gave you a custodial sentance for that! No wonder our prisons are full and crooked politicians and busnessmen get off with a week at Pontins. Those "voices" can be a bloody nuisance though. Have you tried turning your iPod off?

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Did you hear about the bloke who used to pick up the Shipping Forcast on a filling in his tooth? True story that.

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