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Fixture [****!!****]-up.

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FA Trophy against Dorchester, if we win that then the next round will be on the Saturday the 2nd of Feb. If we get through to the next round and play on the second but draw then the reply should be on the 5th of Feb, following Tuesday.


However on this date we're currently due to play Weymouth in the Satanta Shield. On the Thursday of the following week we play Crawley so the Tuesday of that week has a full Conference Schedule so if we get a fellow Conference outfit then they will not be able to play us on the same night. Unless of course we get Crawley in the next round of the Trophy in some sort of ironic twist meaning that we could play them on both the Tuesday, in a possible Trophy reply, and the Thursday in the league at Paul Parker's house, of that week.


We then can't play the game the following week, w/c 18 Feb as on the Tuesday of that week is the Satanta Shield Sixth Round, and the Saturday of that week is the next round of the Trophy.


So from the 26th of Jan until the 26 of Feb we could potentially play 10 games, 10 games in 31 days? And Wenger thinks he has problems?


This is further proof, if it were needed, that this is TEST SEASON!! For those that read Confforum, formerly confguide, then you'll know that one poster from York, I forget his name, gives the season a name due to what happens in that season. At one stage this season was called WOKING SEASON as York occupied mid to the lower region of the league as Woking often do so named the season after them.


This is TEST SEASON!! Name change, MyFC, Exeter and Weymouth away on a Tuesday night in the World's most pointless competition and what looks like is going to be a very expensive February.


Another example of this is the recent Christmas. It wasn't brilliant for me, don't get me wrong it wasn't crap either, the Fleet didn't lose which is good but the whole festive period was quite for me. It was tepid and had a feel of Mid-Table mediocrity about so for that reason me and some friends at work have decided to name it SPURS CHRISTMAS!! Sorry Chas. smile


Role on next season - REWARD SEASON!!

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Bloody hell, Paul, if there's a clash, we'd just move the match to another Tuesday/Thursday night.


What are the chances of it happening? as AFF says, its got to bea big IF!


I think we should let Paul off his outburst this time round, look at the time of his post, well past his bed time and he was tired. Oh bless him!



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He also missed Eastenders as i was fixing his laptop. Due to this he was unable to post on the Eastenders forum as he hadnt seen it and didnt want to comment based on reports.Due to that reason or lack of his fix of Stacy Slatter in a skirt he has been forced to post here.


Welcome back Paul , and dont download any dodgy pictures in future

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