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That may have been the case that it was that way last time you visited over 12 months ago. But that still does not excuse the way it was handled.


And to say "if the steward had just used his brain", surely you should be saying that about the fans who encroached onto the playing area, which as im sure you will know is not allowed!!


I do agree it is not ideal, but rules are rules and barriers are there for a reason and to try and start trouble with a steward is pretty poor. Lets get it into perspective, this is someone trying to do a job, not someone looking for a fight with a chav hooligan from Billericay!

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So WC, you're arguement is to counter a reasonable comment with an escalated version of the events of yesterday.


From what I saw, no one encroached on the playing field and had the steward used the grey matter rattling around, between his ears, he could've dealt with it in a sensible manner.


Having not had an answer from Gary Mixture, would you consider vandalism of the fixtures and fittings of a ground worse in comparison?

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The kid that was escorted from the stand behind the goal was wearing a yellow knock off Burberry hoodie and what looked like his sisters Burberry jeans with turn ups.


I think you will find this was indeed a Chav from ccfc in the wrong place at the wrong time. One of our responsible fans approached your security people to advise them to take the chav away.



That witham claret is not the act of looking for a fight but the act of avoiding trouble.




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not really sure what i have "escalated". You want to deal with facts, so i give you the facts. Fact - barrier broken down and Bilericay Chav Hooligans push through encroaching onto the playing area (not the playing field as you have quoted?!?) Fact - when asked by a steward to return, barging and threating behaviour ensued, all in the view of the 1900+ crowd..... so what have i escalated?



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The same happened with your lot at our ground...quid pro quo. And as usual you don't answer the question that was asked.


I've had enough of this debate because, quite clearly, you have your version of the events and we have ours...right or wrong. Typically you haven't answered the question and I think it will be a cold day in hell before the question will be answered to any staisfaction.


I'm locking this subject up.

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