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Merry Christmas from EbbsfleetUnited.net


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Hey everyone, the staff at EbbsfleetUnited.net would just like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas, and hopefully a win at Grays tomorrow.


To celebrate the occasion, we've launched a new email service, so free yourname@ebbsfleetunited.net email accounts are now available on the site. Numbers are currently limited, so get in there while you can.


The actual client is very clean, easy to use and advert free, in terms of usability it's similar to Google Mail. Those of you that prefer to use programs like Microsoft Outlook can also set the account up to send and recieve emails via your favourite program.


Have a good christmas guys,

Staff @ EbbsfleetUnited.net

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@Dave, thanks. We're planning to boost the space allocated to each person in a week or two, the space is limited to 100 meg currently while we gage how many people are using the service.


@Patman, Didn't know of the problem, I'll look into it. It won't be anything bad though, probably just a domain conflict. It may be a case that I have supply our hosts domain for the thunderbird settings rather than the EU.net one, since the EU.net mail system stems off the server's main mail system.

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Ok, I've looked into it now. You can tell it's been a while since I used Thunderbird as it started to download several hundred new emails before I stopped it. Adding the account was straight forward enough, and recieving new emails worked fine. But I see what you mean, sending an email returns a certificate untrusted warning. Changing this to the host's actual domain didn't fix it either. Best thing for now is just either to accept the certificate, or use the online service if you're not willing to trust it. I've discussed it with my host who says he'll figure it out for me. So hopefully it should be sorted fairly soonish.


By the way, just to expand on the point I made on the login page, if you've got any queries or problems related to the mail system you're best off emailing me at postmaster@ebbsfleetunited.net althouh posting in here is fine too. If you have any feature requests or ideas for making the service better I'd be happy to hear them

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Ok, basically the host has been a little stingy and not bothered with a proper certificate on the server, so I'm going to purchase a certificate from Verisign and install it on the domain. It's only throwing a wobbly because he hasn't paid Verisign for the certificate, which means potentially (in their eyes) it isn't secure. In my eyes certificates mean little unless you happen to be a big money making site, but they're still neccesary. I might throw together a few help pages sometime for the mail system since we appear to be getting a steady stream of registrations.

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Wow, I wish all IT support companies were this good to deal with!


There was no problem at all with me accepting the certificate, I just thought that ye might like to know there were some issues...

Am glad you got same error as me though!! I agree with your view on certificates - but some users will worry and refuse to carry on using the service!

And that "Leave messages on server" check box is always handy :o)


The only reason I posted here, rather than using the email was to make sure that anyone else using Thunderbird knew that they weren't alone!!


And yes, I can imagine the "Help" pages would be useful for loads of people!


Thanks again for the email addy, and the support



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No problem. I'll check Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express when I get a chance to see if they run into the same problems. I'm assuming they will, but I'll check anyway. I've never used this email system before Christmas Eve, so I'm still getting used to it. I'll try and make the documentation as extensive as possible, from the mundane basics of how to send an email to the more complicated aspects such as Thunderbird (actually that's the most complicated thing I can think of currently.)



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Thanks for the kind words Brian.


I've fixed a bug in the script which allowed people to submit usernames which weren't able to be set up (including spaces and @ signs, that sort of thing.) If I have time enough tomorrow I'll start work on some documentation.

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