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Could locals help MYFC members at games ?


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I know some of you will laugh at this, but could I ask this ?


Can we put to oneside your objections to the MYFC concept and look at this as football fans.


If a man travels over 400 miles spending £100 on rail tickets, would you be willing to have a chat with him at the ground, maybe a pint, and just generally show him the ropes ?


The quicker this myfc fans and regular fans thing is forgotten, the better for the future of Ebbsfleet United FC. I know the new fans have to earn respect, but a trip like above must show some commitment.


One problem is, if people are say in the club bar or the Plough, they dont know who people are, who is MYFC, who are regulars etc ?


So, could I ask you if you see somebody looking lost, maybe with a new scarf on to just ask them "Have you come far ? "


I know any help that you can give will be much appreciated.


Also, what is the attitude of the guys with the drum if new fans head for the drum to help make some noise ?




Keith H

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Football fans are usually sociable creatures, especially those found propping up the bar! I am sure if any newbies, MyFC or normal fans, were to ask they would be given whatever information they wanted.


Or, I am sure it has already been suggested, maybe even done... The MyFC members who already are fans could produce a guide to the Stonebridge Experience.


I dont think that identifying other MyFC members is a good idea - surely EVERYONE at the ground is a Fleet fan? No point in creating segregation issues...

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Originally Posted By: PatMan

I dont think that identifying other MyFC members is a good idea - surely EVERYONE at the ground is a Fleet fan? No point in creating segregation issues...

I agree 100 % . There was talk of a funny handshake or something :-) Like at the Oxford game, it was described as 100 people out on a blind date, not knowing who was who.

I think just a hello would go a long way. I suppose in time, people will get to know each other, maybe this will happen quicker at away games as everybody is in the same boat by travelling.

Thanks for the comment Pat.
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I think the thing is about MYFC, is that people just refer to MYFC as a group, whereas in reality, we are 25,000 individuals with partners, kids, overdrafts, things we have to do etc. You may get members that can only get to a few home games now and then, as every home game has to be a planned trip, and also get to their local away games.



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I'd just like to use the opportunity not just to watch the game, but meet face-to-face the "virtual" friends I've been making over the last months.


Some MYFC members are naturally wary of the reception they would receive having read some of the posts on the forum,although every single post I've read about meeting the regular fans has been positive.


I'll certainly be trying to find out who the people are that I've been communicating with and meeting up with them to enjoy the game and some liquid refreshment (probably not Bovril...) together.

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Are there any fans that would be willing to meet up in The Plough or Club Bar to meet fans that have come from overseas to see a game ? . If there was, we could have a thread for details.


I know a guy coming from Finland, one from German, some lads from N. Ireland aswell as some from the States who have trips planned. A 1pm meet in the Plough would I am sure be great for them.

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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox
Are there any fans that would be willing to meet up in The Plough or Club Bar to meet fans that have come from overseas to see a game ? . If there was, we could have a thread for details.

I know a guy coming from Finland, one from German, some lads from N. Ireland aswell as some from the States who have trips planned. A 1pm meet in the Plough would I am sure be great for them.

To be honest foxy, most of them, don't even talk to each other let alone strangers lol
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Originally Posted By: Harry J Allstars
I'll do it.

Thanks Harry,

If you and any other regulars are willing to meet up with new fans pre match, could you please post on the thread about this which I have started on the MYFC board. If you are not a MYFC member and you want to do this, I can post your Ebbsfleet board user name on there, and they can contact you via this board.

Thanks all for your help.

Keith H
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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
I don't think it matters how far you have travelled or whether you have joined MyFC or not.
If you are at the ground supporting the Fleet thats good enough for me.


I'm sure we were all expecting a poor attendance yesterday, but it was probably even lower than anticipated. The question of how to raise crowds has been one of the key issues of recent times, but what worries me about the prospective new regime is that this could be now be considered less relevant as long as individuals in far-flung countries keep paying their £35 each year and buying merchandise - the idea being that it doesn't matter where the money comes from as long as it keeps flowing in.

For me, this would be a great shame. Supporting a club, particularly at non-league level, should be about a sense of community, and I only hope the Club doesn't lose sight of this in the coming months and years. To me, attending matches is integral to supporting a team, and I frankly find it quite odd that people could contemplate providing financial support (however small) to a club without wanting to attend as many matches as is feasible.
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JC , the way I see it and many others do too, the local support is vital and trying to boost that is a matter of urgency. Its true that hopefully money will come from overseas for shirts, lottery etc, but bums on seats is vital.


Many talk of minimum cost if not free entry for kids, but I think it will be the regular supporters who have the local knowledge who can do the most here to help.


Many MYFC members have very old fashioned football attitudes, and support from the local area is very much one of them. Others would include youth development, kids in schools being encouraged to play the game etc. I and a few others are pushing the charity side of MYFC. We have made links with a charity in Northern Ireland to send old footie shirts to Uganda in February. This was done as it was easy to set up. Just an article and a place to post shirts. It is hoped that something like this will be run every quarter. The next one has to be in the Ebbsfleet area. No idea what, but will be open to offers after Christmas, I think it should be football related.

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Laudable ideas Yorkfox, but the reality is that Stonebridge Road is an ok venue in the spring and summer, and on a dry autumn day. In winter it is truly shocking.

The wind blows across the ground. If it wet, there is barely adequate covered standing for 1000, if there kids in that 1000 then the chances are they won't get a decent view. Those sitting in the covered end usually have to retreat to the back 4 rows to keep dry.

You get wet going for a burger, tea or a p**s.

Away fans WILL get wet unless they sit in the main stand. (Who will forget that dreadful night against Scarborough).

A new ground seems a long way off still, and with only a 20 year least on the present ground, the board seem reluctant to spend any money apart from keeping the ground legal.

Perhaps some money from MyFC could be spent on a bit of cover at the Swanscombe end, and extend the main road cover along to the clock.

It wouldn't cost the earth, but it would at least send out a message the the fans DO matter.


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CG, I have to be careful in saying, we should do this, do that sort of thing, however I am sure there are some things that can be done for relatively small amounts of money. There was a thread on here last week about things to do if a few pounds were available. Any way some shields could be put up to block a bit of wind ? , although I guess they might end up in the sea.


On the MYFC board a while back, there was talk of people offering their labour free to do certain jobs, they might even have been locals, electricians etc. When the deal is done, I would hope we would be asked for ideas , help , money, and we can all work to try and improve facilities. Maybe the toilets get an early mention ?


The fans do matter, we are the fans, I dont want to get soaked when having a P*** :-)

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Originally Posted By: Chatham Gary
Laudable ideas Yorkfox, but the reality is that Stonebridge Road is an ok venue in the spring and summer, and on a dry autumn day. In winter it is truly shocking.
The wind blows across the ground. If it wet, there is barely adequate covered standing for 1000, if there kids in that 1000 then the chances are they won't get a decent view. Those sitting in the covered end usually have to retreat to the back 4 rows to keep dry.
You get wet going for a burger, tea or a p**s.
Away fans WILL get wet unless they sit in the main stand.

All true CG but you forgot to mention that whatever the weather it is the best place in the world when the Fleet win.
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