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Stonebridge Road - A Field of Dreams


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I was dared by DA11 to post this bear


Ok. Hard Hat is on DA11.




This is a reply that I made on the MYFC board to a post about the film 'Field of Dreams'


I share your dream, what is wrong with dreams.


We are not dreamers, they have an impossible dream, our dream is very possible. We can do this.


All members should realise that it is a privilage to be a member at this moment in time. We have a once in a lifetime chance to do something very very special.


We will have to work hard, it will cost us a lot of time and money, but the only thing that can hold us back is our lack of immagination, and I dont see that happening.


we have to be sensible, but push at things all the time.


We take the best practice of all things football and adapt it to our needs.


We all need dreams, life can be really crap at times, people can be nasty , but we all have a dream and a community of like friends that also believe.


This might not happen, but could you imagine us at Wembley ! , I bet we wouldnt get a crowd of 977 for that .


Help each other, get organised into local areas, do acts of random kindness by taking members to matches.


A stranger is just somebody you do not yet know.


I loved the film btw.


Get ready for Field of Dreams 2 , The Fleet Sails Forth.




DA11, If I had any street cred, I just lost it, Thats a Coke you owe me !

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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox
I was dared by DA11 to post this

Ok. Hard Hat is on DA11.

I have never seen or spoken to this man in my life he is an imposter. arrr

Yorkfox. Didn't think you had the balls to do it. Will buy you something stronger than a coke promise. Must say though the geezer who posted that does worry me slightly. I'm not sure he gets out much, well not without the help of his nurse anyway.
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Originally Posted By: DA11

Yorkfox. Didn't think you had the balls to do it. Will buy you something stronger than a coke promise. Must say though the geezer who posted that does worry me slightly. I'm not sure he gets out much, well not without the help of his nurse anyway.

If I had all the drinkk I have been promised in the last 3 months, I would need Hirsty to help me.

Dont be too hard on the poster, he has just laid out £100 for train tickets for him and his lad for Saturdays match.
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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox
Originally Posted By: DA11

Yorkfox. Didn't think you had the balls to do it. Will buy you something stronger than a coke promise. Must say though the geezer who posted that does worry me slightly. I'm not sure he gets out much, well not without the help of his nurse anyway.

If I had all the drinkk I have been promised in the last 3 months, I would need Hirsty to help me.

Dont be too hard on the poster, he has just laid out £100 for train tickets for him and his lad for Saturdays match.

Fair comment.
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