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Counting Blessings...


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Oh, to be the contrarian, but there is a lot of gnashing of teeth about the state of the English game and the pernicous effect of money on the same. Dare I ask: where is this money coming from?


Yes, yes, I know, it's coming from the big TV contracts, by and large, as well as sponsorships to a degree, and even ticket and merchandise sales. And where does that money come from?


Well, it comes from you. It comes from individual consumers who have chosen to watch the Premier League on Sky, or go to Emirates, or buy a Rooney replica strip. They could have just as easily chosen to go down to the New Den and see a match, but they didn't. And this isn't because the media isn't covering lower league play enough (an aside, ironic that The Times has a big column about the media ignoring something, no?), it's because people are not interested in lower league football, so they have no interest in spending their money on it. If people wanted the coverage, it'd be covered. If there was a real, widespread demand for it, don't you think it'd be televised?


And what about holding management accountable for wasting funds? Are they absolved from mistakes and is mismanagement permitted because, poor old them, Sky isn't there with HD cameras? I think not.


It's high time for the wailing at the moon to stop, and for managements and clubs to play the game (both on the pitch and in the boardroom) smarter and better. Otherwise, they'll go to the wall. And you know what, they'll deserve to. The old ways of doing business in the lower leagues and non-league football don't work any more, and wishing for a fairy godmother (or a rich businessman) to make it better is not a long-term plan, but instead a delusion.


Clubs need to scout better, make shrewder transfer deals, show more business savvy on merchandising, and, most of all, simply be more creative. Stop living in the past. Respect it, honor it, yes, but it isn't 1952 and it will never be so again. The sooner clubs start to recognize this, stop feeling sorry for themselves, and begin to fight like hell for every advantage, the better for them and for English football.

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Could really take this apart line by line, but it shows how far removed from watching football you really are!

You have shown complete ignorance in the ever widening gulf between Premier league money and that of the rest of the football leagues.


You do realise that the losers of the Premier league, ie the very bottom team will get £30 million from Sky ALONE. Thats 30,000,000 pounds sterling. Enough to buy outright nearly any club outside that league.


You then go on about people not being interested in lower league football, on a NON-LEAGUE forum! Only those who are interested will read your comments!


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I know very well the amount of money involved.


My point was that instead of complaining about the huge sums of money the Premier League clubs get, it is a lot more productive for clubs to find ways to spend more wisely the money they have. And to reach out to potential fans and get them interested in the lower league and non-league game. Non-league and lower league clubs will never have as much dough as the big guys, even if revenue sharing and salary caps are instituted, so they have to do more with less. And it is up to fans like you PatMan to hold clubs accountable and to press them to be better than they have been.


That was the point, and I was hoping that the people on here who care about non-league football would want to do something more than pine away for the good old days, and instead actively try to promote and protect the games they say they love.


You can denigrate me all you want, but it doesn't change the reality of the situation. Instead of hoping for a magical redistribution of wealth, non-league and lower league supporters (and the clubs, of course) need to start making the non-league experience better for fans and finding ways to spend money more intelligently.

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You are aware then of how Premier League clubs operate, esp in this area? Take the nearest (now ex)Premier league side - Charlton. When they were in the top flight, they needed to attract fans to fill their stadium. How did they do this? But cutting attendance prices to a pound or 2 over that of non-league teams, and then providing very heavily subsidised transport from those same non-league clubs areas! How would you expect non-league (and even League 1 and 2) clubs to compete with this?

A magical redistribution of wealth may well be the only way that English football can survive in its present state. Spending money more wisely only comes into it, when clubs have the money to spend in the first place!

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Globalisation of sport.

Can't be long before a Euro Super League evolves.

Premier League Big 4, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Top 3 Italian sides, Top 2 French, Top 2 German, Dutch side, Celtic and Rangers, etc.

Eventually a US and Asian side maybe...although I would suggest that aPacific Rim comp may evolve itself.

Rather than Championships that fill up the calendar.

Could be Promotion/Relegation.

Premier League would then be salary capped and have 8 Nationals on the field at all times.

I see it as the inevitable outcome of the globalisation of sport, sports coverage, merchandising and the players.


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A Euro Super League, was suggested a few years ago, with Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U, declaring an interest!

It will probably(as you say)happen sooner than later. It could bring up some interesting points.

One of which, would they still want/be allowed, to play in the FA Cup?

The big three complain all the time about the number of domestic games they play!

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Can't see them in the FA Cup....more likely a World Club Championship...2011 Final...Arsenal v Boca Juniors.

Following the American lead these clubs will end up being called....and I really hate the word...franchises.

Then don't be surprised to see Arsenal move to California!

The new (globalised) world order.

The good thing to come out of it will be the resurgence of grass roots domestic competitions.

Hopefully National teams will be drawn from domestic comps only with a resurgence of national pride in the shirt they are wearing rather than seeing representing your country as a hindrance.


Grand predictions from someone who can't work out a Xmas shopping list!

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Let me preface this with: I loved my Stonebridge experience, and I enjoyed trying bovril for the first time.


But the burgers, they can be better. The one I'm thinking of was orangish in color, lukewarm, and appeared extruded from some machine. And the taste was iffy. In a pinch, sure, I'd eat it. But a nice, big, juicy hamburger would've hit the spot on a cold day, and the lower level professional teams in the US have such burgers. I'm not talking anything gourmet, no prawn sandwiches -- put down yer pitchforks, just something more approximating real food.


That said, I thought the tea stands did a great job, and looking forward to coming back.

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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
Next time you are over you will have to try some proper English food......curry.

After the match, one of the guys said to me, "fancy a curry?" I said, "yes," and the rest is history. And if anyone ever doubts my bona fides, tell them I had lamb vindaloo and poori bread.
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