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The season of good will...

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Originally Posted By: Rick the Dick
Originally Posted By: Balmoral Claret
You certainly DON'T Gazza. But I would think that such things as envy and jealousy feature in the equation somewhere.
Whoops! - now I've done it!

What, exactly, are Clarets so envious & jealous of, that it leads them to make so many enemies? I mean, they've almost got their own ground now. It has it's shortcomings, but we don't throw that in their faces wink . Is it seeing other Ryman sides on TV that's causing all the ill will? Well, I'm sure your day will come. Next season it could be your turn to be the side from the Ryman Prenier that makes it onto Sky. Weren't planning on going anywhere were you?

You know perfectly well what I meant Rick - now stop being facetious!
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Originally Posted By: Balmoral Claret
You know perfectly well what I meant Rick - now stop being facetious!

Shorly you weren't suggesting that anyone would be envious or jealous of humble little chelmo? How could that be? What have they got that anyone else could possibly want? Apart from their "top of the table" position, and now Staines are back on the march with invigorated wallets, and Horsham too; well, anything's possible......

Anyway, it's the season of goodwill to all men, so all negative thoughts should be supressed until at least, err, 29th December?

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Originally Posted By: Balmoral Claret
damned annoying though, when big wallets enter the equation.

BC, I nearly spat my coffee over my keyboard at that remark!

You are where you are because of a big wallet, aren't you (I thought this was more or less undisputed now, even on your forum)?

I'd imagine it is annoying when someone else finds enough dosh to pose a threat, but it makes for a far better competition for the rest of us.

True enough about the points on the board though. However, the reason you've played those extra games was because you weren't good enough to progress in the cups whistle

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"BC, I nearly spat my coffee over my keyboard at that remark!"


So aren't I allowed to put my tongue in my cheek then Rick?


"However, the reason you've played those extra games was because you weren't good enough to progress in the cups"


Along with 19 other clubs in the Ryman then. (yes, I know Ricay went a couple of steps further, but can't see that it did you a lot of good apart from a little extra prize money - Damn, here we go again, big wallets!)


As far as big wallets go, I'm not a great fan of the sugar daddy system myself. These rich guys can walk out just as quick as they walk in, but we just have to grasp our opportunities as and when they arise.


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BC, me jealous? Of whom or what?


Please enlighten me as you and some of your co - supporters obviously know my mind better than I do.


"As far as big wallets go, I'm not a great fan of the sugar daddy system myself. These rich guys can walk out just as quick as they walk in, but we just have to grasp our opportunities as and when they arise". And walk they do BC (and the present one has a recent history of doing just that). You may not be a great fan of big wallets but you're stuck with it and all it brings...Who knows, 10 years from now, we may consider having your lot back at New Lodge...


...but on past experience, I think not.


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Originally Posted By: GazzaBTFC
BC, me jealous? Of whom or what?

Please enlighten me as you and some of your co - supporters obviously know my mind better than I do.

"As far as big wallets go, I'm not a great fan of the sugar daddy system myself. These rich guys can walk out just as quick as they walk in, but we just have to grasp our opportunities as and when they arise". And walk they do BC (and the present one has a recent history of doing just that). You may not be a great fan of big wallets but you're stuck with it and all it brings...Who knows, 10 years from now, we may consider having your lot back at New Lodge...

...but on past experience, I think not.

Can't argue with that Gazza.
Indeed - what goes around, comes around, and in 10 years time (or less), ANYTHING could have happened. Mr King will almost certainly have tired of us (especially if we are still in the Rymans, or lower), and may well have contemplated moving on to Ricay, only to have been disappointed when his services were turned down.
Who knows!
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Originally Posted By: Balmoral Claret
I know Ricay went a couple of steps further, but can't see that it did you a lot of good apart from a little extra prize money

Didn't do us a lot of good??? How about just the enjoyment of the event? Isn't that what it's all about? The "feelgood" factor! Me, my family and friends had a great day, along with 2000 odd others. That's the "good it did for us".

Sometimes I think you Chelmo lot are so hung up on where you're going to be in 3 or 4 years time that you don't really enjoy the present. Travelling is just as much fun as arriving; some times more fun in fact!
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