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MyFC in talks with major kit manufacturer


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Originally Posted By: PatMan
However, when its discussed with the other delegates, its discovered that it has a flaw, only a minor one, but its flawed all the same.
Heres the puzzle - does 'Will' force his arguement across - 25,000 others cant be wrong (heres where he quotes "Wisdom of the Crowd"), or does he listen to the minority and have his thinking altered? If he changes his initial proposal, he will be seen as weak by his supporters - however, if he pushes on with his initial idea, possible disaster!

Any item that involves a vote by the memebrs of MyFC will also involve discussion. If a flaw emerges after the vote has taken place then it would be sensible and prudent to pospone a decision on this issue until it could be re-considered by the members. If it is not possible to pospone the decision (time-constraints etc) then it would be appropriate for the 'delegate' to make a decision based on what he/she considered in the best interests of the club. The delegate would then inform the membership of MyFC of that decision and why it was taken. If the members of MyFC were not happy with this situation then they would be in a position to take any action they felt was appropriate.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
The delegate would then inform the membership of MyFC of that decision and why it was taken. If the members of MyFC were not happy with this situation then they would be in a position to take any action they felt was appropriate.


How many members would it take to force a vote on something? I'm not sure that 'force' is the right word, but I mean, if a member had an idea or wanted something done or changed and wanted everyone to vote on it, could they do that on their own? If not how many peopole wanting the same thing would be needed to make a vote happen?

Also, do you have a quorum? If so, what percentage of your members is that?

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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Originally Posted By: PatMan
However, when its discussed with the other delegates, its discovered that it has a flaw, only a minor one, but its flawed all the same.
Heres the puzzle - does 'Will' force his arguement across - 25,000 others cant be wrong (heres where he quotes "Wisdom of the Crowd"), or does he listen to the minority and have his thinking altered? If he changes his initial proposal, he will be seen as weak by his supporters - however, if he pushes on with his initial idea, possible disaster!

Any item that involves a vote by the memebrs of MyFC will also involve discussion. If a flaw emerges after the vote has taken place then it would be sensible and prudent to pospone a decision on this issue until it could be re-considered by the members. If it is not possible to pospone the decision (time-constraints etc) then it would be appropriate for the 'delegate' to make a decision based on what he/she considered in the best interests of the club. The delegate would then inform the membership of MyFC of that decision and why it was taken. If the members of MyFC were not happy with this situation then they would be in a position to take any action they felt was appropriate.

and 2 months later................
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Originally Posted By: chris blanc

How many members would it take to force a vote on something?

If there was a situation like you describe above then it would be automatic. If a flaw is detected on an issue that has been voted on then it would automatically be re-opened for consideration.

Originally Posted By: chris blanc
I'm not sure that 'force' is the right word, but I mean, if a member had an idea or wanted something done or changed and wanted everyone to vote on it, could they do that on their own?

If a member wants to raise an issue then he/she writes an article outlining their views. Other members read the article and the article can be rated by the other members. The higher an article rating the more likely it is that members find the article content important and the more likely it will turn in to a future vote.

Originally Posted By: chris blanc
If not how many peopole wanting the same thing would be needed to make a vote happen?

No specified number - providing the article receives positive interest from members it can be converted into a vote.

All other issues related to the everyday workings of the club will be dealt with as they arise.

Originally Posted By: chris blanc
Also, do you have a quorum? If so, what percentage of your members is that?

No quorm and the only issues that require anything other than a straight majority vote relate to the selling of the club.
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"All other issues related to the everyday workings of the club will be dealt with as they arise."


Who will deal with such matters ? Surely the club will still be run as a Business/Company off the pitch ? & as such needs to have appointed officials in place to carry out the day to day running of said Business....so who will be doing that then ???


I understand from previous posts that the current Board will be Non Exectutive Directors, so I assume that they will not be forfilling any roles relating to day to day matters of the Club/Business/Company ??


Someone has to be in charge.........Mr Brooks ??


Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but I am not aware that it has. You seem to have all the "answers"....what is your role in all this ? Surely not your Joe Average £35 punter ?



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I hope you realise Hirsty, asking these questions will have you pigeon-holed as an undesirable like me

These points have been raised, in one form or another, by several people. Hanoi Hannah will be here to drown your salient points in more mass dogma posting, so you forget what you asked in the first place!

An ordinary member? Yeah right............Hang on, I'm going to get my gun.........I have never had "flying bacon" for breakfast before!




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If and when MyFC take a controlling interest in the Club, should the issue of a change of clothing manufacturer actually be considered, I sincerely hope that ethical considerations will be a major factor in reaching a decision. It is far too easy for multinationals to rely on glossy spin in hiding the truth behind their operations - human rights issues, lack of a living wage, dismissal if workers try to protect their positions by attempting to organise by joining trade unions, child labour, excessive working hours etc. You have to wonder what kind of people actually run these companies and why they do their worst to gain such track records? To redress the balance investigate reports by organisations such as Labour Behind the Label and Ethical Consumer magazine. Taking an ethical stance will earn MyFC the sort of respect money cannot buy.

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Originally Posted By: kmj
If and when MyFC take a controlling interest in the Club, should the issue of a change of clothing manufacturer actually be considered, I sincerely hope that ethical considerations will be a major factor in reaching a decision. It is far too easy for multinationals to rely on glossy spin in hiding the truth behind their operations - human rights issues, lack of a living wage, dismissal if workers try to protect their positions by attempting to organise by joining trade unions, child labour, excessive working hours etc. You have to wonder what kind of people actually run these companies and why they do their worst to gain such track records? To redress the balance investigate reports by organisations such as Labour Behind the Label and Ethical Consumer magazine. Taking an ethical stance will earn MyFC the sort of respect money cannot buy.

This issue has been discussed at length on the MyFC forum and a lot of memebrs, including me, would be of a similar opinion as yourself.
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If all of a sudden your "Social", "Ethical", "Moral" consciences are being pricked, about where your sportswear is being made, you had better take off most of your clothing, and return it ot the stores!

I bet hardly any of us,not just the 25,000 new members, but the rest of us, are wearing clothing that is made in a Sweatshop country.............But it makes good publicity, to take the Moral high ground, about Sportswear now!!

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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
"All other issues related to the everyday workings of the club will be dealt with as they arise."

Who will deal with such matters ? Surely the club will still be run as a Business/Company off the pitch ? & as such needs to have appointed officials in place to carry out the day to day running of said Business....so who will be doing that then ???

The 'Agreement in Principle' indicated that all current staff will be retained. If additional staff are needed then I am sure they will be recruited through normal accepted practice.

Originally Posted By: Hirsty
I understand from previous posts that the current Board will be Non Exectutive Directors, so I assume that they will not be forfilling any roles relating to day to day matters of the Club/Business/Company ??

Someone has to be in charge.........Mr Brooks ??

Don't know if Will Brooks will be involved directly - but this is quite possible. I think he would be a big asset to EUFC if this were the case as he has demonstrated his ability through building a web based project capable of purchasing a football club.

Originally Posted By: Hirsty
"Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but I am not aware that it has. You seem to have all the "answers"....what is your role in all this ? Surely not your Joe Average £35 punter ?
Has been asked and answered on numerous occasions. For your benefit Hirsty - I am a member of MyFC. I am a moderator on the MyFC forum. I am not a spokesperson for MyFC. I am not employed by MyFC. I live in the West of Ireland and work as a schoolteacher.

As for my 'answers' - I asked a lot of questions on the MyFC forum when I joined and I read all the information provided. It is available there if anyone makes the effort to read it.
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Originally Posted By: American FLEET FAN No1
If all of a sudden your "Social", "Ethical", "Moral" consciences are being pricked, about where your sportswear is being made, you had better take off most of your clothing, and return it ot the stores!
I bet hardly any of us,not just the 25,000 new members, but the rest of us, are wearing clothing that is made in a Sweatshop country.............But it makes good publicity, to take the Moral high ground, about Sportswear now!!

For once I agree with you.
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