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Should we have a webcast?


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I am a new supporter by way of MyFC, but I live 3,000 miles west of Kent. Why am I a supporter, then? Because I think English football is the best, and this is a great way to get involved.


Indeed, it's a bit of a bother to get over to watch the games every weekend, but I am fairly certain that management would be videotaping the games for coaching purposes.


So how about uploading that video to the EUFC website, so we can check out the action at a later date, to see how the lads are doing? Wouldn't cut down attendance if it was delayed video, and we can make our own commentary, thanks. Perhaps there are some rights issues with the visiting team, but if the whole league buys into the idea, then everybody benefits.


Good idea?

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Originally Posted By: Chopper TN
Sorry PatMan, but I'm NOT a MyFC member (not yet anyway) and doesn't Setanta have the BlueSquare rights in England?. I was just saying that Setanta NA doesn't show the matches.

The title of this thread is the clue - "Should WE have a webcast?" What has this to do with ANYONE who isn't a MyFC member?
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Chopper TN
Sorry PatMan, but I'm NOT a MyFC member (not yet anyway) and doesn't Setanta have the BlueSquare rights in England?. I was just saying that Setanta NA doesn't show the matches.

The title of this thread is the clue - "Should WE have a webcast?" What has this to do with ANYONE who isn't a MyFC member?

Quite a lot actually! I am a current shareholder who is on secondment 6,500 miles from my beloved 'Fleet.

MyFC or not I'd love to see highlights of 'Fleet games.
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This has been making me think.


If there was all the hooha with Graham capturing goals from his camera/mobile earlier this season/year, would this not be the same thing?


There is a debate on this on their forum at the moment and they seem to believe that it is quite easy to film, produce and show webcasts of matches.


Would the Conference, Conferencetv.com or even Setanta have anything to say about this regarding rights to show the matches?


Must admit I have no clue about how any of this works...

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I'm sure the Cameraman said categorically that filming was NOT allowed. He had nothing against Graham, but clearly their are rules to be followed, and Graham has complied. I'm not sure how the club or the league could enforce the rule if scores of people got their Nokias or I phones out and started filming, bearing in mind the quality of pictures on many phones is equal to that camera only a couple of years ago.


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I have recently bought myself a new camera (it's great!) and took it to both the Oxford and Stafford matches.


While I was not David Bailying around the place, I took a few shots with flash on (as I have not worked out how to turn it off yet!) and nothing was said at all.


The flash on it really is quite bright as well.

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Originally Posted By: Jeff
This has been making me think.

If there was all the hooha with Graham capturing goals from his camera/mobile earlier this season/year, would this not be the same thing?

There is a debate on this on their forum at the moment and they seem to believe that it is quite easy to film, produce and show webcasts of matches.

Would the Conference, Conferencetv.com or even Setanta have anything to say about this regarding rights to show the matches?

Must admit I have no clue about how any of this works...

Here is the thread I started on here about that:

Further to that thread, the only problem I have with supporters filming the matches with their own cameras and mobile phones is when they post footage of goals and the main highlights on here and on YouTube free of charge for everyone to view rather than just themselves and their mates in the privacy of their own home.

The way I see it is that we as a club would be stupid to allow free footage taken by supporters to be shown when large numbers of MyFC members and exiled EUFC supporters are prepared to subscribe to watch official club footage on the club website.
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