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England Manager??


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Capello has a very good chance but how much of a difference would he make?.

He would almost certainly play "Catenaccio", basically ultra defensive football, which i don’t mind if you have the players to play it which im not sure we do.


They could give it to "Boothroyd" and he would probably fair no worse then "Capello" could, In fact i doubt "Ferguson, Wenger or Mourinho" could do any better or worse, don’t get me wrong im not defending "McClaren" the man was a idiot, but there was enough in that England team to qualify from one of the weaker groups.


We have a huge lack of technical ability which has become quite aprant on the international scene, as we are struggling against these smaller nations that seem to be producing teams of low ability players, that posses an good degree of ball control and technical astuteness that seem to cause us problems, and it is becoming more noticeable in the premiership in the decline of English and British players in general in the top leagues.

In truth i can only think off five English players of the top of my head that really shine when it comes to technical ability "Barry, Bentley, Hargreaves, J Cole & Beckham".


Basically i don’t think it matters who gets the job, we will have the same problems until the mentality of how the game is played, and taught changes, and that starts with the FA sorting its self out.



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