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A football fan's other passion Rowing on the Thames

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Rowing 21 Miles for Alpha 1

Hi All, My crew and I are rowing The Great River Race, 21 Miles from London Docklands to Ham in Surrey Saturday 7th September 2013.   We are rowing for Alpha-1 but need help in spreading the word for our justgiving page.   Sorry but we really do need all the help as its a bit last minute   http://www.justgiving.com/TrinityTide

Brightside Bloke

Brightside Bloke

Who owns Trinity Tide

The Corporation of Trinity House The official General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales and other British territorial waters (with the exception of Scotland, the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland). It is responsible for the provision and maintenance of navigational aids such as Lighthouses, Light Vessels, Buoys and maritime radio/satellite communication systems.

Brightside Bloke

Brightside Bloke

About our type of boat = Thames Waterman Cutter

The Thames Waterman Cutter is 34 feet long with a beam of 4 feet and 6 inches, In keeping with the traditional rowing concept it has fixed seats, for up to six rowers, a Cox and passenger. The basic design has produced a robust stable and fast boat, equally at home on rivers or sheltered coastal waters. Various rowing, or sculling configurations are possible, including simple adaptation to the role of Ceremonial Livery barge with extra passenger seating under a canopy at the stern. In this fo

Brightside Bloke

Brightside Bloke

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